
The latest international PIRLS studies (2021) that assess the reading comprehension of students in the 4th year of Primary Education show that Spanish students continue to be below the European average in reading comprehension. There is a growing need to improve reading promotion strategies in schools, which is why the ACORD project redesigns reading spaces based on neuroarchitecture. Academic studies highlight the importance of creating attractive reading environments and involving both teachers and families in promoting healthy reading habits.

As part of the ACORD project, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, CEIP Attilio Bruschetti in Xàtiva has redesigned the school’s reading spaces to create favourable educational environments, applying the principles of neuroarchitecture. This initiative has transformed the reading spaces into inclusive and stimulating places, in order to contribute to the formation of the reading and literary identity of the pupils, from 2 to 12 years old.

During the 2023-2024 academic period, the first phases of the project have been developed, consisting of setting objectives, training of teaching and non-teaching staff, periodic evaluations, and training and awareness-raising for the entire educational community.

“We are very satisfied with the results obtained so far. The transformation of the reading spaces has had a very positive impact on our students, fostering their interest in reading and improving their overall well-being,” says Desirée Sánchez, principal of CEIP Attilio Bruschetti.

The results have shown a positive impact, which will continue to be consolidated for the 24-25 school year, when training sessions will be held again for teachers, families and pupils.

BOOK TRUCK: a service-learning project that will come to life in September

In fact, the academic year 24-25 will begin with the inauguration of a reading space for which they have counted on the collaboration of the automotive students of the CIFP La Costera and their teacher, Sandra Fuentes, within a service-learning project that has managed to transform an old van into a ‘book truck’ that will be located in the school playground so that students have access to reading during break times. The van, the result of reflection on the needs expressed by the pupils themselves, aims to put pupils from different stages in contact with each other in order to collaborate together on the same project to promote reading and bring them closer to new reading formats.

Intercentres Dualízate Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Education

In parallel to the ACORD project, CEIP Attilio Bruschetti participates in the school group project “Dualízate: design of learning environments in DUA key”, an initiative of the Ministry of Education that promotes the integration of different educational methodologies and that integrates the schools CEIP Rosa dels Vents (Mallorca), IP Mendigoiti (Pamplona) and CEIP Attilio Bruschetti itself. The three schools, in collaboration with the University of Valencia, organised a conference on 24 and 25 May to share the work carried out over the last two years, with specialists in ‘neuroarchitecture’ such as Ana Mombiedro, the Chair of Neuroeducation at the UB (Anna Forés and Carme Trinidad) and UV professors Margarida Castellano and Agustín Reyes. Neuroarchitecture is an interdisciplinary research field that integrates neuroscience and architecture and focuses on how individuals interact with the built environments.

Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

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