
Situated in the corner of the grandiose Mercado de Colón, Mi Cub is a sophisticated terrace restaurant, serving authentic and fresh Valencian tapas. Their commitment to using and promoting Valencian seasonal products is highlighted through their ‘Four Seasons of The Earth’ series, a gastronomic venture which brings certain speciality dishes to the menu depending on the time of year.

On Wednesday the 19th of June, Mi Cub commemorated the beginnings of summer with their new speciality, ‘La Safor Pasta Bona Cocas,’ which was prepared and presented by Pepe Cotaina, master craftsman and president of the gastronomic-cultural Association Friends of Cocas de Oliva. The traditional Cocas dish is typical to the Valencian region of La Safor and has an interesting history!

As illustrated by Pepe Cotaina, the dough for the Cocas is made with wheat flour, olive oil, water, salt and yeast and left to double in size ready to be topped with various ingredients. Traditionally, any ingredients can be added on top of the Cocas including salted fish, meats, sausage, aromatic herbs and vegetables, but Cotaina focused on the espencat amb capellà, a fusion of eggplant, red pepper and salted cod. Due to their preparation and look, some may see the Cocas as similar to an Italian pizza. However, the famous Italian dish which so many associate with originating in Naples, actually has its origins with Cocas. As Cotaina explained throughout the demonstration, there is a doctoral thesis which confirms that due to historic Valencian presence in Naples, Cocas became popular there and inspired the pizza dish.

After the demonstration by Cotaina, guests had the chance to try the Cocas which boasted rich and intriguing flavours. The toppings were varied, but all delicious; goat’s cheese, onions with peas, shrimp with chard, and of course espencat amb capellà. The flavours of the Cocas paired perfectly with the aromatic richness and citrus notes of the Turia beer accompaniment. Director of Mi Cub, Anabel Navas, states that, “For us it is a privilege to help to promote the product and to continue expanding our menu with our own reference points such as these cocas, which are also delicious”. 

Report by Polly Watton 

Article copyright of 24/7 Valencia



‘Mi Cub’

Mercat de Colón

Carrer de Jorge Juan, 19




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