Rebeca Plana, Raul Belinchón and Pamen Pereira join the art collection of the Generalitat Valenciana

#Rebeca Plana, Raul Belinchón and Pamen Pereira join the art collection of the Generalitat Valenciana…

With this acquisition, the Col-lecció d’Art Contemporani de la Generalitat now totals 129 works with a total investment of more than 1.75 million euros.

The Conselleria de Cultura has determined the acquisition in 2021 of 19 works of art by Valencian artists and residents in the Valencian territory, which will be incorporated into the Col-lecció d’Art Contemporani de la Generalitat Valenciana. It corresponds to the Valencian artistic heritage incentive plan that has been carried out since 2017 in the department to accompany the Valencian visual arts sector and consists of the acquisition, from Valencian art galleries and artists, of works by creators born or resident in our territory.

The group of experts who make the selection of the works of art follow criteria for the acquisition of works in which territorial and gender balance are fundamental, as well as generational diversity.

In this sense, the acquisitions have been made of works by 6 artists from the counties of Alicante, 5 from the counties of Castellón and 8 from the counties of Valencia. Ten are women creators and nine are men creators.

It is worth remembering that with the acquisitions of new works of art by the Culture Department, travelling exhibitions are organised by the Consorci de Museus in the main exhibition spaces of the Conselleria and in towns throughout the territory, including the Valencian cultural capitals.

Selected works in 2021

The works selected by the group of experts in art respond to an expressive and artistic diversity of the current Valencian contemporary art scene; works of different formats, including sculptures, paintings, photography, video art and installations, which delve into a multitude of artistic reflections on today’s world.

As for the works of art acquired from artists residing in the Castellón region, there are creations by Carmen Ballester, Geles Mit, Manuel Sáez, Maria Llopis and Pascual Arnal. As for the Valencia region, works of art by Joan Sebastián, María Zárraga, Pamen Pereira, Paula Prats, Raúl Belinchón, Rebeca Plana, Robert Ferrer i Martorell and Silvia Molinero have been acquired. In the case of artists residing in the Alicante region, these are Clara Sánchez Sala, Eduardo Infante, María Dolores Mulá, Perceval Graells, Ricardo Cases and Rosalía Banet.

The economic value of the acquisitions made in 2021 amounts to 251,007.68 euros and since 2017 the Col-lecció d’Art Contemporani de la Generalitat has already acquired 129 works worth more than 1.7 million euros.

Group of experts who have submitted the proposal to the Culture Department

The commission that selected the works of art was made up of Ester Alba, Professor of Art History at the University of Valencia; Román de la Calle, Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory at the University of Valencia; Rosa M. ª Castells, curator and head of collections at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante; Nuria Enguita, director of IVAM; Irene Gras, vice-president of Castellón of the Associació Valenciana de Crítics d’Art; María Marco, lecturer in Art History at the University of Alicante: Josep Montesinos, professor of Art History and dean of the Faculty of Geography and History at the Universitat de València; Paloma Palau, professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló; Ricard Silvestre, lecturer in Didactics of Plastic Expression at the University of Valencia and coordinator of the Documentation Centre of Contemporary Valencian Art; Pilar Tébar, president of the Associació Valenciana de Crítics d’Art, and José Luis Pérez Pont, managing director of the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.


Report by ’24/7 Valencia’ team

(Painting) Rebeca Plana. ‘La força de la natura’ [2019]. Mixed media on canvas. Triptych 200×450 cm. Álvaro Alcázar Gallery [Madrid].

Article copyright 24/7 Valencia


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