

POLIRITMIA: “There is no piece of dance or music that is considered complete if it is not presented in front of an audience, live and direct; likewise, without the experience gained from the interaction with listeners or spectators -whether they are connoisseurs of what they see or hear or not- it seems that the creation of steps, sounds, and their multiple combinations in a scenic format is incomplete, and the sense of the living artistic work is inevitably lost.

With the return of the public to live shows -in a controlled way, of course- we return to the craftsmanship of human relationships, in front of the technology of virtual encounters, and the creative people who share their music, once the old contact with the public is restored, recover their songs and transmit magic too.

‘Polirítmia 2021’ brings to Valencia hypnotic songs, diatonic chords, maqams, drums and mandolins.

The concerts programmed ranges from sounds via Iberia, the Balkans, or Anatolia, to Catalonia and Northern Occitania.

And in the cool of the July nights in Valencia, when the first chords are heard on the stage of the Town Hall Square, we return once again to the pleasure of live music and dance, enjoying the pleasant experience of the cultural diversity that surrounds us, the local and the international, in a capsule of the space-time called the stage that returns us to the taste for living, sharing, and making the diversity of the music of our region and abroad, intrinsically contemporary, with its perennial discussion between authenticity and “otherness”. Let’s claim to be mestizos and mestisses, we are alive!

And moreover… Who doesn’t like Xisco Feijóo’s muiñeira fusion, Carraixet’s festive polyphonies, the presence and virtuosity of our own Apa or Carles Dénia, the Occitan songs with drums of San Salvador, the muixeranga accompanied by an Arab ‘llaüt’ proposed by Aljub, the Gascon music of Laüsa, the bluegrass jotas of Los Hermanos Cubero, the fandangos and cèltiques and Breton melodies of Sons d’Embat, the Turkish clarinet of Oscar Antolí, the review in a Valencian way of Greek, Italian or Palestinian repertoire of Musicants or the songs from Kurdistan of Eléonore Fourniau?

To end the festival, we crown the programme with a series of lectures, workshops and distance courses, aimed at teachers and music professionals throughout the month of July, with Valencian, state and international speakers that make, if nothing else, even more profuse and necessary the Polirítmia formula to enjoy and learn to understand, through art, the vital complexity in which we find ourselves immersed.”

The live shows will be at Plaza Ayuntamiento of Valencia.

Interview by 24/7 Valencia team


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