
24/7 VALENCIA: Good morning, Dr. Silvina. We would like to ask you about being overweight and obesity. Do you also deal with these issues at your clinic?

DR SILVINA: Yes, being overweight and obesity have long since become a worldwide problem, with worrying figures even in children, with the long-term implications that this implies. And today, it is even more in the headlines because of the relationship that has been found with COVID and the poorer evolution of the people who suffer from weight issues…

There is a lot of talk about this subject, and many offers and proposals. What is your approach?

I like to approach it in a very personalised way. Generally, the person who consults me is not usually the first person to be confronted with this situation. The motivations are usually varied: from major health problems in which their employers tells them that they must lose their excess weight to improve their performance… to those who are slightly overweight and their desire is “not to miss out”, not to miss the train and continue to feel good at the weight that makes them “recognise themselves”, to be “the same as always”.

Two extremes indeed…

Yes, and I think that the approach can be summarised in two main paths… even if they later merge…

Could you explain more?

The person who is clear and determined and motivated …can choose the “Olympic Method” as I have baptised it in my practice. We have a goal in kilos; we set ourselves a work dynamic that we fulfil in a disciplined way. In this context, we can predict results in kilos and times. Obviously with the obvious variables of whether you are male or female, age, physical build, etc.

And the other dynamic, but no less important, is the one we approach in a more flexible way, with changes in habits. Gradual incorporation of healthy habits into daily life. As I often say “changing the actions that got me to this place I don’t want to be”.

Exceeding a weight loss issue exclusively, but improving the quality of life in general. Nature tends to health, not disease: With healthy habits, I will have a healthy weight.

However, the paths meet. If with the “Olympic Method” I reach my goal… then I will have to acquire the other way so that this goal is maintained over time and in the long term. An Olympic athlete is not going to eat doughnuts when he has finished the race. Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah!

I understand, and in practice? How does it work?

By talking a lot with the patient. I pay attention to the habits and lifestyles of each one of them. I have patients with very different circumstances: the patient who has just given birth and does not sleep at night, the person who is with a dependent relative, a teenager or student, the salesperson who is always in the car and frequently eats in restaurants, etc. are not the same.

We establish by consensus the best possible strategy in each case. The best method is the one you can stick to and take on board.

There is no magic, change of eating habits, increase of physical activity. Control “what goes in and what comes out” 😊.

We also have various tools that can be used to help us move and achieve our goal faster and more visibly (which is usually very motivating): protein replacement products, metabolism accelerators, various devices that help us to reduce volume and mesotherapy which is usually fantastic…. to see progress more quickly and cover other issues such as sagging, possible cellulite if any, etc..

The truth is that it is very interesting, and there are many more questions… but we have been very interested by your approach to this difficult issue. Obviously, each person is different and each one needs different strategies. I suppose our readers will be able to contact you if they need to ask you more questions. Can we have your contact details?

Yes, absolutely. I would love to help you all in any way I can.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team

Article copyright ’24/7 Valencia’


Clinica Dra. Silvina Ciberti
618 617 354
Calle Colon 22, 1ªH (Valencia office)
Calle Nstra Sra de Montiel 5, pta 2 bajo (surgery in Lliria)

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