
 This morning at 11:00 a.m. (7 August 2024), a meeting was held with the media in the prestigious Silk Museum of Valencia to officially present the candidacy of the “Way of the Holy Grail, Route of Knowledge, Way of Peace” as a European Cultural Itinerary. Dr. Ana Mafé, a specialist in the history of the Holy Grail, gave a detailed explanation of the application process for this European recognition. During her intervention, Dr. Mafé highlighted the multiple advantages that this candidacy can bring to the region of Valencia, as well as to the territories of Italy and France that form part of this historic route.

Among the advantages of the candidacy, we can highlight:

Increase in Cultural Tourism: The inclusion of the Way of the Holy Grail as a European Cultural Itinerary would boost tourism in the region of Valencia, as well as in Italy and France.

European Cultural Itinerary would boost tourism in the regions involved, attracting visitors interested in historical and cultural heritage.

Future investments: This recognition would facilitate the arrival of investments aimed at the tourist and cultural infrastructure of the route, promoting the sustainable development of local  sustainable development of local communities.

International collaboration: The nomination encourages cooperation between the participating countries, strengthening cultural and economic ties.

Promotion of “Knowledge and Peace”: The route is a symbol of cultural and spiritual exchange, promoting values of peace and mutual understanding between different cultures.

Dr. Mafé also underlined the fundamental role that the Diputación de Valencia will play in this project, especially in the signposting of the route in the province of Valencia.

She also highlighted the support of the Government of Aragon, which is backing this initiative through an agreement signed on 1 July 2024.

An international collaboration project: The candidacy of the Way of the Holy Grail as a European Cultural Itinerary not only stands out for its historical and cultural value, but also for its capacity to unite different territories under a common objective.

The route crosses places of great historical importance in Spain, Italy and France and its recognition as a European Cultural Route would underline its importance would underline its relevance in promoting shared heritage and intercultural dialogue.

The next steps to be taken are:

Assessment by the European Committee: The candidature will be assessed by a committee of European experts who will determine its viability as a European Cultural Route.

Infrastructure boost: With the approval, increased investment is expected to improve the signage and accessibility of the route.

Cultural events: A series of cultural events and activities will be planned along the route to celebrate its recognition and attract international visitors.

Today’s presentation marks a crucial step in the process towards the official recognition of the official recognition of the Holy Grail Way as a European Cultural Itinerary.

Mafé and her team will continue to work hard to achieve this important goal, with the support of the local and international institutions involved.

The presentation was attended by José María Chiquillo, Focal Point for the Silk Road, members of the International Cultural Itinerary Association The Way of the Cultural Route of the Holy Grail, such as its vice-president José Cuñat, its secretary Jesús Gimeno and Liuba Daniel  secretary Jesús Gimeno and Liuba Daniel Alvariño, Director of the International  Department, Antonio Ortuño, member of the Board of Directors of the Falla Convento Jerusalén, Paco Esteve from the Asociación Amics del Corpus, as well as a large group of radio and television journalists.

Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

More info: https://asociacionculturalelcaminodelsantogrial.com/

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