
The Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, known as the ‘Museu de Belles Arts’ in Valencian, has been branded as one of Spain’s most important art galleries. Founded in 1913, the gallery holds over 2000 works dating from the 14th-20th centuries, which predominantly revolve around religious themes.

As you enter the foyer of the museum there is an abundance of art waiting to be enjoyed including the 5th century ‘Severina Sepulchral Tile’ and a mesmerising José Benlliure y Gil painting entitled ‘Vision of the Colosseum. The Last Martyr.’ The courtyard just off of the foyer, which is covered in greenery and looming palm trees, holds many archaeological wonders and commemorative stones. This is not the only courtyard in the museum; The Courtyard of the Vich Ambassador, a renaissance square painted in blue with exquisite marble detailing used to be part of the The Palace of Ambassador Vich before it was demolished. It is a stunning reminder of what once remained. The intriguing courtyards and the exterior of the building make the museum an architectural place of interest as well as an artistic one.

The gallery is separated into three sections: The 15th-17th centuries, the 19th-20th century and the temporary exhibitions. An exquisite collection of altarpieces lie beyond the foyer, including ‘The Altarpiece of the Immaculate Conception,’ and ‘The Altarpiece of St Vincent Ferrer.’

The rest of the gallery holds a plethora of paintings, sculptures, archaeological pieces,  drawings and prints, and is known for its collection of renowned Valencian artists: Vicente López, Juan de Joanes, los Ribalta, Pinazo and of course Joaquín Sorolla. The museum plays a part in uncovering Valencian heritage to places outside of Valencia, through lending out its works for temporary exhibitions. The art has travelled to New York, Milan, Amsterdam and Washington as well as all across Spain.

Admission to the museum is free, and it is open to the public from 10am to 8pm Tuesday to Sunday.


Report by Polly Watton 

Article copyright 24/7 Valencia

Museu de Belles Arts de València

C/ de Sant Pius V, 9

46010 València

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