24/7 VALENCIA:Could you tell us something about your background and experiences? LAMAR HERRIN: I first wanted to be a professional baseball player, then an actor. But I was never much of an actor. While working on a film called ‘Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea’ for eight weeks (I was the sonar operator in […]

    Author Jason Webster (Exclusive interview)

    What is your view of the political stalemate in Spain?  By the time this interview is published the situation may well have changed significantly, so it’s not easy to say. At the time of writing (late January), the possibility of forming a lasting coalition government looks unlikely, although I suspect that something temporary may be […]

  • Chris Wright

      So, Chris, where are you from originally? Well, I was born and grew up in Leicester UK until National Service committed me to the RAF for 3 years. Then, as my father had been a ‘bobby’ all his life, ı decided to join the Exeter city police in Devon. Only it didn’t work. I […]

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