
CaixaForum Valencia will host the last sessions of the fifth edition of the TIIM (Tourism and Music Industry) Conference on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14. After the activities held in Benidorm (28 September) and Castellón (10 November), dozens of professionals will meet in the Cap i Casal to explore the potential of the relationship between tourism and music. This event is an initiative of the Asociación de Promotores Musicales de la Comunitat Valenciana (MusicaProCV) with the collaboration of Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and Visit València (Valencia City Council).

It should be remembered that the fifth edition of the TIIM Conference is entitled Amplified Tourism and highlights the power of music as a driving force in the tourism sector. In addition, the initiative also addresses the capacity of music to put little-known locations on the map, how to generate new proposals for innovative products and services and how it can help to broaden audiences and overcome tourist seasonality. During the TIIM Conference in Valencia, the experiences of pioneering companies, success stories and future trends in music tourism will be presented from a global perspective.

Music cities

The TIIM Conference will also address the phenomenon of music cities. Thus, representatives from the cities of Hamburg, Manchester, Göteborg, Reykjavik, Aarhus and Groningen will visit Valencia in order to explain how cities can become a tourist attraction through music.

The six cities mentioned above are part of the Music Cities Network, a network of music cities which Valencia joined before the summer to promote strategies for the development of the city through music. In this sense, the TIIM Conference is a platform for stimulating and disseminating the opportunities offered by music as a valuable element in the promotion of cities and tourism.

The Music Cities Network is a transnational non-profit association that brings together so-called music cities and policy makers from around the world. The network is dedicated to improving collaboration in the areas of communication, business, arts and policy for all stakeholders involved in the development of music cities. In this way, the actions promoted by the entity aim to get decision-makers to sustainably recognise music as an integrated part of city development.

Since its birth in 2019, the TIIM Conference has connected the agents of the music industry with tourism organisations and other associated productive sectors to explore the possibilities for the development of music tourism. In this way, the main lines for the strengthening, diversification and improvement of the tourism offer of the Valencian Community have been outlined. Currently, the Conference is a place for meeting, analysis and debate between professional agents to design strategies to face the challenges of tourism by using musical activity as a differentiating value element of the territories. It is a pioneering activity in southern Europe that has brought together numerous international specialists in the field.

Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

More info:


CaixaForum València

C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 1A, València

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences)

Monday to Sunday and public holidays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

General admission: 6 €.

+34 960 901 960

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