PUBLISHERS DRASSANA: “Valencia is one of the fifty most populated metropolises in Europe and one of the oldest cities on the planet, with more than two thousand years of existence. Its passage through history has been intense and has left deep traces that remain. Here we will take a delightful stroll through the origins and monuments of the main historic centres that make up the city: the districts of Carme and Velluters, in Ciutat Vella; Cabanyal, in the maritime district; and the so-called quarters, Patraix, Russafa, Benimaclet and Campanar.

Vicent Baydal, Frederic Aparisi and Ferran Esquilache narrate with a masterful agility the passages of a city that Tono Giménez has photographed from all angles. The book is the result of the project La Valencia Contada, produced by La Rambleta and promoted by Cervezas Alhambra.

VICENT BAYDAL (Valencia, 1979) has a PhD in History and teaches History of Law at the Jaume I University in Castellón, specialising in parliamentary history and the history of identities in the kingdom of Valencia. He has spent his career at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the European University Institute in Florence and the University of Oxford. He is the chronicler of the city of Valencia and author of books such as Els valencians, des de quan són valencians? (2016), València no s’acaba mai (2016) and Del Sénia al Segura. Breu història dels valencians (2018). @vicentbaydal

FREDERIC APARISI (Gandia, 1982) holds a PhD in History and is a postdoctoral researcher specialising in rural and food history during the late Middle Ages. He has carried out research stays at the British universities of Leicester, Aberystwyth and Cambridge and has been a contract lecturer at the universities of Valencia, Lleida and Cardenal Herrera-CEU. He is the author and co-author of several books, such as Xàtiva en temps de Jaume I (2008), Historia de Beniopa (2015) and Aigua per al pa, aigua per al sucre. La construcción de las séquies de Palma y de marzo a l’Alfàs de l’Horta de Gandia (2019). @fredericaparisi

FERRAN ESQUILACHE (Valencia, 1980) holds a PhD in History from the Universitat de València and is a postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló. He is a specialist in the historical study of the agrarian landscape, particularly the irrigated areas of Andalusian origin and the transformations experienced after the Christian conquest. He has carried out a research stay at the Sorbonne University and is the author or co-author of books such as Moncada y la Orden del Temple en el siglo XIII (2010), Los constructores de la Horta de Valencia (2018) and De Carraixet a Bonrepòs y Mirambell. Els orígens medievals d’un poble valencià (2020). @feresquilache

All three are members of the HARCA Group, founded in 2008 with the aim of reflecting research into Valencian medieval history.”

Report by ’24/7 Valencia’ team

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