

“Festival de musica folk i del món”

In 2021, the festival makes the XVIII edition and incorporates new proposals such as ETNOMUSIC ALS POBLES and ETNOMUSIC PERIFÈRIC.

In 2021, L’ETNO (Museu Valencià d’Etnologia) becomes a reference point for Valencian and world folk music. After the success of the last editions, with more than 1000 spectators, the museum presents again the ETNOMUSIC FESTIVAL, a proposal that in 2021 will celebrate 18 years of history.

The ETNOMUSIC FESTIVAL is part of the cycle of cultural activities that the museum organizes every year on traditional culture and cultural diversity. The project aims to present traditional Valencian music from a current perspective, and to present musical proposals from around the world that link tradition and innovation. Two characteristics that are linked to the way in which L’ETNO. Museu Valencià d’Etnologia approaches the dissemination of traditional Valencian culture: a rigorous reading of the recent past from the perspective of the present, in which popular and traditional culture is conceived as a living and changing heritage, maintained by the community.

The 2021 edition of ETNOMUSIC presents three significant novelties that affect both the programme and the territorial expansion of the project and that will be consolidated in future editions.
ETNOMUSIC ALS POBLES… Given the success of these concerts in the city of Valencia, from the area of Culture of the Diputación de València has been considered appropriate to include the festival within the Cultural Activities Programme that this institution proposes in the municipalities.

This programme aims that proposals such as ETNOMUSIC reach most of the counties of the province, so that the citizens of the province can access a diverse and quality programming. In 2021 ETNOMUSIC ALS POBLES will be held in the municipalities of Gandia, Requena and Xàtiva.

The other two novelties affect the concert programme. The long trajectory of ETNOMUSIC, the quality of the proposals presented and the loyalty of the audience, make possible the adoption of two new initiatives:
– The challenge of proposing each year a theme/theme to frame the concert program. In 2021 the chosen theme is TRIBUS IBÈRIQUES, a motto adopted by this edition of which Eliseo Parra is the author and which recalls the album “Tribus Hispanas” (2008) which was a turning point in the career of the musician from Valladolid and which became an emblematic album in the last two decades in the peninsular folk. As can be seen below, the current edition of the festival is committed to an exclusively Iberian programme in which proposals representing all the traditional musical baggage of Spain and Portugal are shown: Eduard Navarro-Ensemble Duna and the Gernans Penalba from Valencia; Eliseo Parra from Castile; Sara Correia from Portugal; Gaizca Project, a group that combines the Galician, Basque and Catalan traditions.

– ETHNOMUSIC PERIFÈRIC. Concerts aimed at a younger audience, held at a different time (Saturdays at 22:00h) that will present groups that, starting from folk and traditional music, approach innovative readings that take classical styles to more “peripheral” territories, bringing them closer to other music (rock, jazz, punk), incorporating mostly electrified instruments, or introducing unusual technologies in folk / traditional music such as synthesizers, computers, programmed music, etc.. In this section of ETNOMUSIC will perform Rosario La Tremendita (flamenco-fusion) and Antropoloops (treatment of loops based on traditional Mediterranean songs and orality).
The concerts will be held in accordance with the health recommendations issued by the authorities in relation to the COVID-19 crisis control, which may affect concert schedules, seating capacity, use of masks, etc.

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the lobby of L’ETNO. Museu Valencià d’Etnologia or through the website:

Access is free until full capacity is reached.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team
Article copyright 24/7 Valencia

Venue: L’ETNO (Museu Valencià d’Etnologia)
C/ Corona 36

Courtyards of L’ETNO. Valencian Museum of Ethnology. Centre Museística la Beneficència

GAIZCA PROJECT 27/05/21 20:00h
ELISEO PARRA 10/06/21 20:00h
SARA COREIA 24/06/21 20:00h

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