
On Saturday 19th November, Dr. Ana Mafé García, world expert in the protohistory of the Holy Grail and president of the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail: https://asociacionculturalelcaminodelsantogrial.com/ and of the International Scientific Commission for Holy Grail Studies: https://comisioncientificainternacionaldeestudiosdelsantogrial.com/ii-congreso-internacional-divulgacion-y-periodismo-el-camino-del-santo-grial-2022/ , will present the historical route of the Holy Grail and its history at the 1st Science and Mystery Day in Caravaca de la Cruz,  Murcia.

The ‘Jornada Ciencia y Misterio in Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain’ is a unique event because it presents for the first time the most sought after relic of the Western Middle Ages, the Holy Grail in the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz. It is internationally known as the custodian of a part of the Vera Crux, a Lignum Crucis, a small piece of the wood on which Jesus was martyred.

Those who wish may also purchase copies of the scientific & historic book The Holy Grail: https://editorialsargantana.com/producto/santo-grial/ written by Dr. Ana Mafé, published by the Sargantana publishing house. This book reveals what the Holy Grail is and where it is to be found.

On Saturday morning at the Emilio Sáez Cultural Centre in Caravaca de la Cruz, the director and presenter of the programme El Candelabro: https://elcandelabro.es/, Fernando Mullor, who is organising this event together with the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, with the sponsorship of the City Council of Caravaca de la Cruz and the technical production of Vestigium, will be present.

Juan José Ferrer presents his book ‘Filosofía para vivir plenamente’: https://edicionesmatrioska.es/producto/filosofia-para-vivir-plenamente/ , published by Matrioska. The author invites us to reflect on our reality: “Think of it this way, if I live in this present moment, I am living the reality that I have to live, in the end, the person who wants to have a bright future, lives a wonderful present”.

In the afternoon, Dr. Ana Mafé García, tourism expert, Master in Ecotourism, graduate, Master and PhD in Art History, shares a lecture with Diego Valor Bravo, who holds a degree in Law and a PhD in Political and Media Analysis, History section. He is also an associate professor of History of Law and Institutions at the URJC and a volunteer reservist ensign in the Spanish Army. In this event, he will present his book ‘Magia y Hechizos en Murcia’ (Magic and Spells in Murcia): https://edicionesmatrioska.es/producto/magia-y-hechizos-en-murcia/, published by Ediciones Matrioska.

A day that will make history because it will be presented in ‘Caravaca de la Cruz’ the ‘Way of the Holy Grail’ with a route that passes through this same population in its Route of the Relics.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team

Article copyright ’24/7 Valencia’

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