

The ‘Centro de Tecnificación de Alicante’ hosted the SUMA 2022 Autonomous Rowing Championships, featuring a new machine that simulated the action of rowing. More than 340 athletes, belonging to fifteen different clubs, took part in this beautiful spectacle that highlighted many of the skills associated with this sport, in an event that had an individual and a relay mode.

This championship had a special relevance for the youngest children, who were able to enjoy a great opportunity to get closer to competitive rowing. The event started at 9:30am and continued throughout the day, until late in the afternoon. The participating categories were novice, child, cadet, youth, under-23, unqualified, SCM (people who have overcome breast cancer) and veteran, which in turn is divided into several age groups. All of them have male and female modalities. A total of 341 athletes participated in the individual events.

The relays, on the other hand, had the participation of 54 teams. It was a very striking event, as the participants had to perform the exercise in turns, until they reach the required distance. It is a modality in which the most important values of rowing stand out, such as commitment, effort and teamwork.

The distance covered varied according to the category. In the individual modality, the juvenile team rowed 500 metres and the children, veterans and SCM went up to 1000 metres. The distance increased in the cadet category, with 1,500 metres, and the maximum distance was 2,000 metres for juniors, seniors and under-23s. The distances increased in the relay events and the individual distance was doubled in each category. The final classification was established, in both modalities, according to the time taken to finish the race.

A total of fifteen clubs took part in the Autonomous Region Rowing Championship, and they were: Club Náutico Alicante Costa Blanca, Club Náutico Altea, Club de Remo Carthago-Boga Santa Lucía, Club Náutico Campello, Club Náutico Santa Pola, Club Rem Cía Gandía, Club Remo Torrevieja, Real Club Náutico Calpe, Real Club Náutico Denia, Real Club Náutico de Valencia, Real Club Náutico Gandía, Real Club Náutico Torrevieja, Secció Esportiva Universitat d’Alacant, Real Club Regatas Alicante and Club Deportivo de Mar Clot de L’Illot El Campello.


Report by Shemaiah Rose

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

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