
Last Friday, July 8th at 11 am, in the Chapel of the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia, the act of gratitude of the Association of the Way of the Holy Grail was celebrated to all the people and entities that through their testimony have contributed to make known the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia, as well as its historical route.

We must remember that the Way of the Holy Grail, due to its frequency in the celebration of the Jubilee and the significance of the sacred relic of the Holy Chalice, is the most important in Christianity, although it is also the “youngest”.

The Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail is celebrating 20 years of work, enthusiasm and love for the development and consolidation of the Way of the Holy Grail in all its aspects and routes. During this journey, they have carried out great projects in conjunction with universities and Valencian and Aragonese municipalities. And through this intimate act, they wanted to thank the work of all the people and entities that, in an altruistic way, have collaborated with the Association.

For this reason, the Chapel of the Holy Chalice was attended by more than a hundred people from all walks of life. This anniversary was also a tribute to those who left, to those who collaborated with their generosity to leave a path of development and work, a footprint of love, a better world within their areas of social action.

Led at all times by the president of the Association, Dr. Ana Mafé, a personal recognition was presented in the form of a diploma in a box, along with an exclusive silk scarf, hand painted for the occasion, numbered and made by the artist Eva Escamilla of Ensedarte.

The event, which began with British punctuality, started with the words of thanks from Dr. Ana Mafé, president of the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail, who in turn gave way to Rev. D. Álvaro Almenar Picallo, Warden of the Holy Chalice Worship, in charge of protocol, who thanked the attendees for their presence.

From that moment on, the honorary acknowledgements to His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera began. Cardinal-Archbishop of Valencia and His Eminence and Most Reverend Mr. Carlos Osoro Sierra. Cardinal-Archbishop of Madrid who will receive the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail shortly.

Then the acknowledgements were read out to the different canons of the Cathedral of Valencia who work tirelessly to welcome pilgrims on the Way of the Holy Grail. These are:

Rev. D. Vicente Fontestad Pastor, Dean President.

D. Vicente Pons Alós, Archivist – Librarian, Vice President.

D. José Verdeguer García, Curator of Artistic Heritage, Delegate for Information and Public Relations,

Director of the Cathedral Museum.

D. Álvaro Almenar Picallo, Warden of the Worship of the Holy Chalice, in charge of protocol.

Miguel Bou Piñón, Assistant to the Warden of the Worship of the Holy Chalice, Cantor.

There was a special recognition to Dr. Miguel Navarro Sorní, Vice-Dean and Professor of Church History at the Faculty of Theology of Valencia, who thanked for the distinction.

D. Federico Lamberto Caudé Ferrandis, Dean-President and Prefect of Sacred Liturgy of the Cathedral Basilica of Segorbe, will receive the Association in the near future. For scheduling reasons, he was unable to attend.

Afterwards, the awards were presented to the public officials. They began with València, Turisme, where Mr. Xavi Pascual Soler, director of the Patronat de Turisme de València, received the award.

The award to the Guardia Civil was given in appreciation of the attention and care that the Guardia Civil performs every day on the roads with pilgrims. D. José Antonio Fernández de Luz de las Heras, chief colonel of the Command of the Civil Guard in Valencia, was represented by Lieutenant Colonel D. José Celdran Blayan. He explained that service to the public and, in this case the pilgrims, was a duty that they fulfilled with honour and had words for the Lieutenant Colonel of the Civil Guard and head of the Special Intervention Unit (UEI), Pedro Alfonso Casado, who died on Tuesday as a result of injuries sustained after being shot.

The Consular Corps of Valencia was represented by Mr. Leopoldo López Máñez, Dean of the Consular Corps accredited in Valencia, Consul of Chile, who also received recognition. He recalled his support to the only association that has been working on the consolidation of the Way of the Holy Grail on a non-profit basis for more than 20 years.

For their work and support to the Association, the entire Valencia City Council received an honourable mention. Mrs. Paula Llobet Vilarrasa (PP) Mr. Fernando Giner (Ciudadanos), Mr. José Gosálbez Payá (VOX) attended the event. Mr. Juan Ribó Canut (Compromís) and current mayor of the city, will receive the Association on 15 July at the City Hall.

The recognitions to the civil society went to:

José Luis Lliso Ruiz, president of ARCHIVAL.
Vicente Alventosa, director of PLAY RADIO.

D. José Manuel Montaner, who blesses PLAY RADIO listeners every day.

Eduardo J. Osca Rodríguez, president of the Diocesan Forum of Laity.
José Félix Moratal, Cadets on the Way of the Holy Grail. The award was collected by Mr. Antonio Moreno

Carmen Fons, International Press Federation.

ALEJANDRO NOGUERA, President of the Libertas 7 Foundation and L’Íber, Museum of Lead Soldiers.

Various academics and researchers received awards for their research and dissemination during the year. Antonio Rossi, president of the Brotherhood of the Holy Chalice, collected his award, recalling the importance of the Eucharist for Christians.

Antonio Piró López received recognition for his work in spreading knowledge of the Holy Grail from his artisan workshop at Piró Orfebres. In his speech he thanked all the archbishops of Valencia who, during his professional career, have requested reproductions of the sacred relic to make it known throughout the world.

Juan Benito Rodríguez Manzanares, Royal Poetic-Literary Order Juan Benito. Who during the 2021 Jubilee Year elaborated the story of the Way of the Holy Grail in rhyme JB.

Dr. Jorge Manuel Rodríguez Almenar, president of the Spanish Centre of Sindonology. He explained the feat of overcoming year after year the difficulties that the Valencian society puts on the diffusion of the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia. He praised the work of the Asociación Cultural El Camino del Santo Grial in achieving the unity of all those present.

The researcher Mr. Agustín Blasco Carbó excused his presence for agenda reasons and will receive his recognition shortly.

The 2022 prize “VALENCIA, 20 ANNIVERSARY, DESIGN” was awarded in different categories.

Doña Alicia Tadeo, who has been painting and creating all her life, received the award RECOGNITION OF HER ARTISTIC CAREER. Dr. Mafé recalled how at the age of five, at her school Santa María Marianistas, it was precisely Doña Alicia Tadeo who taught her to distinguish between warm and cool colours. Her work is a reflection of evolutions and sensitivity that does not leave the viewer indifferent.

VISIT VALENCIA – Department of Tourism of the Valencia City Council received the DISEÑO TURISMO award. Both Toni Bernabé and Emiliano García expressed their gratitude to the Association, but due to unforeseen circumstances, they were unable to attend the event.

Binhui Jiang received the GASTRO-FUSION DESIGN award. Javi is the name by which this chef of Chinese origin is known, who fuses Valencian and Oriental culture at the table like no other. His Mesón Molino in Malilla is a meeting of these two cultures.

Jaco Müllor creator of INDIANA TOURS received the PRODUCT DESIGN award for his involvement in making the story of the Holy Grail and its journey known in several languages (German, English, Spanish and Valencian).

César Marco received the 3D DESIGN award. He is the only 3D sculptor to have created this sacred relic in 3D technology. The quality of his work is exceptional.
Pedro Molero, a member of the Association for 20 years, received the PHOTOGRAPHIC DESIGN award for his magnificent contributions to the Corpus Christi festival in the city of Valencia.

Doña Alicia Tibaút received the GRAPHIC DESIGNER award for her contributions to the creation of the 3rd edition of the Pilgrimage Card of the Way of the Holy Grail, officially presented in 2020 in Aragon and Valencia on the occasion of the celebration of the 2nd Jubilee Year of the Holy Chalice.

Special recognition was given to the Chinese Catholic community for their generosity in the distribution of masks during the pandemic.

XINZHAO CHEN of the Chinese Businessmen’s Association of Fujian Province was the first recipient of the award. His son Juan received the award with a speech of gratitude for the work of the Association to position Valencia in the world, as well as the feeling of being Valencians, both he and his family, by adoption.

The “CAMINO AWARD” went to Mr. Gustavo Riveiro D’ Angelo, Director of the Pastoral Tourism Department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE). He thanked the Association for the work they do in caring for pilgrims and announced the work they are developing together with the Holy See in the programme of the next world congress of the Pastoral of Tourism.

The “ROUTE OF KNOWLEDGE AWARD” went to Dr. Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo, head of the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI) in Rome. The award was collected by Mr. Armando de Lucas, who gave thanks for the recognition.

The “ROAD OF PEACE AWARD” went to Mr. Francisco Gómez Laserna, Mayor of Massamagrell. In his speech he explained that from his position he works with the Association because he knows of its interest in promoting the municipality nationally and internationally without any profit motive. He thanked Jesús Gimeno Peris, councillor and representative of the Way of the Holy Grail for the work he does for his municipality and said that he would extend the award received to the entire corporation.

The “Posthumous Recognition In memoriam”. For her generosity in life was for Doña Lola Fos de Boluda who passed away last year. Everyone in the Chapel of the Holy Chalice rose to their feet. Doña Vicenta García Alcover, who shared many moments of friendship with Doña Lola, received the award and said: we need more people like Lola Fos de Boluda in Valencia.

Among the guests present at the event were Mrs. Lynne Lamantia, the first pilgrim on the ‘Camino del Santo Graal’ on horseback, representing Valten Travel, the TT. OO. that markets the route, Ms. Montserrat Amorós, president of the University 3E Alto Palancia, Mr. Fernando de Rosa, senator of the PP, Mr. Víctor Pérez president of FOTUR, Mr. Oscar Raga of Caixa Rural, Mr. Boro García of Mislata, Mr. José Lepervache of Sagunto, representatives of the municipality of Geldo, Mr. José Mª Esteve Councillor mayor Puçol, Mr. Juan Antonio Espigarés Vice President of FOTUR, Mr. Juan Antonio Espigarés Vice President of the University of Valencia. Juan Antonio Espigarés Vice-president of the International Academy of Science, Technology, Education and Humanities, Mrs. M. Àngels Ramón-Llin Martínez, from Play Radio la 107.7 Toni Bordas and Sergio Leccese, Mrs. Juana Guillem, Mr. Rosell ex-president of the Association Amics del Corpus Christi, Mr. Alejandro Salvá scriptwriter and theatre critic, among many other attendees.

Eros Recio, at the end of the awards ceremony, delighted those present with a dance of gratitude to the Holy Chalice. Eros is the first professional dancer with Down syndrome, promoter of inclusive dance for all people with functional variety. Born in Valencia on 9 October 1993, he was baptised in the Chapel of the Holy Chalice and entered it in 2002 as the first child pilgrim to walk the Way of the Holy Grail. He was born with no motor skills according to the doctors, but his tenacity has led him to study elementary education at Escuela 2 Paterna and training as a dancer at the Professional Conservatory of Valencia.

The event closed with thanks to the people who have contributed to the support of the Association and the Camino with a tribute to the protagonists of the first pilgrimages by Dr. Ana Mafé and a few words of thanks from Rev. D. Álvaro Almenar Picallo, Celador del Culto del Santo Cáliz and in charge of protocol.

An intimate, emotional, unforgettable and necessary event that united all those present in the same spirit, devotion to the Holy Chalice and support for the work of the Cultural Association ‘The Way of the Holy Grail.’

Report by ’24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ’24/7 Valencia’

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