
A Fun Day Out with Family and Friends!

Once in a blue moon there comes a time when the weather in Valencia is…not the best, and your plans to play volleyball on the beach or sip Agua de Valencia in Plaza de la Virgin are ruined. However, worry not, as Valencia also has many options for inside activities, a trip to the Ciutat de les Arts i Ciències being one of them.

This futurist section of the city is made up of the Hemisfèric, Museu de les Ciències,  Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía,  the  Umbracle, and the Oceanogràfic. All of these, besides the Umbracle, are indoor activities and therefore perfect for a rainy day in Valencia.

Museu de les Ciències is a great place to spend a few hours with your friends and family. The whale skeleton-shaped science museum is composed of three floors; on the first one you will find fun interactive exhibitions about music. In fact, you can make sure your childhood dreams of being in a band become a reality in a studio with various musical instruments where you and your friends can jam together.

The museum also has a fantastic fairytale section themed by different children’s stories. There you can build yourself a house and test your engineering skills against the powerful blows of the big, bad wolf.  And for those wannabe scientists, head straight to the top floor where you will find many interactive stands as well as the out of this world Mars exhibition that includes the arcade game, Space Invaders.

All of these experiences are enhanced by the spectacular venue, which includes an exhibition on the history and development of all the buildings that make the City of Arts and Sciences.

Finally, when visiting the Science museum you cannot miss the Ninots exhibition that will be there till March 15. The 3 euro entrance gives you a preview of the ninots that will be displayed throughout the city as well as the opportunity to select the ninot you want to save from being burned on the final night of the celebrations. You can also use the opportunity to select the ninot you want to see be burnt down!


Report by Nicole Maka-Sprawa

Article copyright 24/7 Valencia’

Photo copyright Nicole Maka-Sprawa / 24/7 Valencia



Professor Lopez Pinero, 7




Instagram – @ciudadartesciencias

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