Popular Festivals

#The atmosphere of ‘La Crida’ 2022 On Sunday (27th of February) was great. The streets of Valencia were full of cheer, laughter, and singing to the sound of the multiple orchestras marching. The historic centre was filled with crowds dancing with a bottle of “Fanta Limón” in one hand and the Valencian flag in the other.  This opening event for Fallas is also known as ‘La Criadà.’

After observing the spectacle from the steps of La Lonja; I decided to join in and follow the party. The leader of the group was the most energetic person I have ever seen, leading the way and helping guiris such as myself with the dance routine the group was doing. Throughout our journey to our special destination, many spectators made the transition into ‘the spectacle’ by dancing and mumbling the lyrics to the songs being played.

The happiness and positive energy being transmitted by the Fallas-deprived Valencianos was infectious!

Finally, we arrived at Porta de Serrans   (Torres de Serranos area) by Turia Park in the city of Valencia (Jardin del Turia) where the usually busy road was shut off to make space for crowds gathered for La Crida – the opening ceremony of Las Fallas! The event was attended by the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó who gave a speech for the first time in 2 years.

The Crida attendees surrounding Porta de Serrans watched the tower as the sunset and witnessed a spectacular light show showing the traditions of Las Fallas throughout the decades, as well as addressing the impact of Covid-19 on the celebrations. The one-hour opening ceremony ended by lightening up the sky with golden fireworks.

As the celebration of Las Fallas begins, make sure to see the ‘mascletàs’  at El Ayuntamiento de València every day at 2 pm.

Report and Photos by Nicole Maka-Sprawa

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

‘La Criadà’  photo copyright Nicole Maka-Sprawa /  24/7 Valencia

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