Popular Festivals

Tuesday, 31st August
10.30 am – Reading of the ‘people’s verdict’ and proclamation of the Ninot Indultat Infantil (the only children’s figure saved from burning) for 2021.
11.00 am – Choosing of ninots by the committees until 8.00 pm.

Wednesday, 1st September
08.00 am – Plantà (set-up) of all the children’s fallas (sculptures).
10.00 am – Ending of the Ninot Exhibition.
10.30 am – Speech reporting the the ‘people’s verdict’ and proclamation of the Ninot Indultat (the only figure saved from burning) for 2021.
11.00 am – Choosing of ninots by the committees until 8.00 pm.
02.00 pm – Mascletà (loud fireworks display) at different locations throughout the city.
11.00 pm – Nit de L’albà (fireworks display) on the fallas (sculptures) around the city.

Thursday, 2nd September
08.00 am – Plantà (set-up) of all the fallas (sculptures).
02.00 pm – Mascletà (loud fireworks display) via various locations in the city of Valencia.
05.30 pm – Children’s awards ceremony.
Awards for the children’s fallas (sculptures) in the different categories and the children’s fallas booklets will be handed out at the stand erected at City Hall.

Friday, 3rd September
9.00 am – Award ceremony.
Awards for the fallas (sculptures) of various categories.

2.00 pm – Mascletà (loud fireworks display) via different locations throughout the city.

5.00pm–midnight – Ofrenda (offering) of flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Route 1
• 5.00 pm: Pla del Remei – Gran Via.
• 6.15 pm: Benimamet – Burjassot – Beniferri.
• 8.00 pm: Malvarrosa – Cabanyal – Beteró.
• 9.15 pm: Algirós.
• 10.15 pm: Poblats Al Sud.
Route 2
• 5.00 pm: Campanar.
• 6.00 pm: La Roqueta – Arrancapins.
• 7.30 pm: Olivereta.
• 9.15 pm: La Saïdia.
• 10.45 pm: El Carmen.
• 11.30 pm: Regional Cultural Associations.
• 11.40 pm: Local Committees.
• 11.50 pm: Falla (sculpture) of the Fallera Mayor Infantil (Children’s Queen of las Fallas) of Valencia, Carla García Pérez, Ramiro de Maetzu Falla – Leones.
• 11.55 pm: Official Procession of the Murcia, Castellón and Alicante delegations.
• Midnight: Last 5 Falleras Mayores (Queens of las Fallas) of Valencia.
• 12.05 am: Fallera Mayor Infantil (Children’s Queen of las Fallas) of Valencia and Court of Honour, members of the Central Fallera Committee and Valencia Municipal Band.

Saturday, 4th September
9.00am–midnight Ofrenda (offering) of flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Route 1
• 9.00 am: Quatre Carreres.
• 10.45 am: Ruzafa A.
• 11.45 am: Ruzafa B.
Route 2
• 9.00 am: Benicalap.
• 10.15 am: Jesús.
• 11.30 am: Mislata.
2.00 pm – Mascletà (loud fireworks display) at different locations throughout the city.
6.00pm–midnight: Continuation of the Ofrenda (offering) of flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Route 1
• 6.00 pm: Pla del Reial – Benimaclet.
• 7.45 pm: Canyamelar – Grau – Nazaret.
• 8.45 pm: La Xerea.
• 9.15 pm: Rascanya.
• 10.45 pm: Camins al Grau.
Route 2
• 5.00 pm: La Creu Coberta.
• 6.15 pm: El Pilar – Sant Francesc.
• 7.30 pm: Patraix.
• 8.45 pm: La Seu – El Mercat.
• 9.15 pm: Botànic – La Petxina.
• 10.15 pm: Quart de Poblet – Xirivella.
• 11.15 pm: Regional Cultural Associations.
• 11.25 pm: Guest Organizations.
• 11.30 pm: Falla (sculpture) of the Fallera Mayor (Queen of las Fallas) of Valencia, Consuelo Llobell Frasquet. Falla Albacete – Marvá.
• 11.35 pm: Last 5 Falleras Mayores (Queens of las Fallas) of Valencia.
• 11.40 pm: Fallera Mayor (Queen of las Fallas) of Valencia and Court of Honour, members of the Central Fallera Committee and Valencia Municipal Band.
22:00 / 23:30 pm – Nit del Foc (fireworks display) at different locations around the city.

Sunday, 5th September
10.00 am – Ofrenda (offering) of flowers by the Falleras Mayores (Queens of las Fallas) of Valencia and their Courts of Honour before the image of the Patriarch at San José Bridge.
11.00 am – Tribute to the poet Maximiliano Thous, at his monument, located at the intersection of Sagunto and Maximiliano Thous streets.
12.30 pm – Tribute to the maestro Serrano, at his monument in Reino de València Avenue.
02.00 pm – Mascletà (loud fireworks display) at different locations throughout the city.
06.00 pm – High Mass in honour of St Joseph at Valencia Cathedral, officiated by the Archbishop of Valencia, D. Antonio Cañizares, presented by the Central Fallera Committee and the Carpenters Guild, with the Falleras Mayores (Queens of las Fallas) and their Courts of Honour in attendance.
8.00 pm – Cremà (burning) of the children’s fallas (sculptures).
8.30 pm – Cremà (burning) of the children’s falla (sculpture) awarded first prize in the special category.
9.00 pm – *Cremà (burning) of the children’s falla (sculpture) in Ayuntamiento Square.
10.00 pm – Cremà (burning) of all the fallas (sculptures) in Valencia.
10.30 pm – Cremà (burning) of the falla (sculpture) awarded first prize in the special category.
11.00 pm – *Cremà (burning) of the falla (sculpture) in Ayuntamiento Square.

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