##’Les Arts és per a tots’
The Centre de Perfeccionament stars in ‘Il viaggio in Spagna’ in ‘Matins a Les Arts
– The young artists will perform this Sunday pages from Crisóstomo de Arriaga, García, Gomis, Sor and Rossini in the Main Hall
– The Foyer hosts an exhibition of costumes from the operas ‘Carmen’ by Bizet and ‘La vida breve’ by Falla
The Palau de les Arts is opening the doors of its Main Hall this Sunday, 8th March, with the fourth session of ‘Matins a Les Arts’, a new proposal that aims to bring lyrical and symphonic music, as well as its surroundings, to all audiences.
For 5 euros, Les Arts invites you to discover the Main Hall on Sunday mornings with performances by the theatre’s stable bodies: the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana (OCV), the Cor de la Generalitat, and the singers and pianists of the Centre de Perfeccionament del Palau de les Arts.
Under the heading ‘Il viaggio in Spagna’, Les Arts offers a programme that, linked to the performances of Rossini’s opera ‘Il viaggio a Reims’, explores the ties between the composer from Pesaro and our country.
The singers and pianists of the Centre de Perfeccionament will perform works by Rossini himself along with outstanding Spanish composers of the time such as Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga, Manuel García, José Melchor Gomis and Fernando Sor.
In addition, as a complement, the Main Hall is hosting an exhibition of costumes and props from two operas especially related to the Spanish cultural imaginary: the production of Bizet’s ‘Carmen’, directed by filmmaker Carlos Saura, and the staging of Falla’s ‘La vida breve’, directed by Giancarlo del Monaco.
The Palau de les Arts informs that it will open its doors on Sunday 8th from 11:00 am so that visitors with tickets can see the costume exhibition. Access to the Main Hall will begin at 11:30 a.m. Likewise, Les Arts reminds that tickets are not numbered.
Matins a Les Arts’ is part of the ‘Les Arts és per a tots’ programme, which includes educational or family activities, dedicated to all types of musical genres, in the different spaces and rooms of the theatre.
The proposals, free of charge or with a symbolic price, are aimed at opening up to new audiences who have not yet had the opportunity to attend a show in the building designed by Santiago Calatrava.
Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)
Prélude prétentieux
de Péchés de vieillesse
Carlos Sanchis, piano
Manuel García(1775-1832)
El riqui riqui
de Caprichos líricos españoles
Omar Lara
Qué tentación de risa
de Caprichos líricos españoles
Aida Gimeno
Yo que soy contrabandista
de El poeta calculista
Joel Williams
Ed è vero?
de L’isola disabitata
Larisa Stefan, Evgeniya Khomutova
Joel Williams, Max Hochmuth
Carlos Sanchis, piano
Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga(1806-1826)
Carlos Sanchis, piano
Fernando Sor (1778-1839)
No quiero, no
Aida Gimeno
Yo soy el cocinero de tu marido
Evgeniya Khomutova, Omar Lara
Sin duda que tus ojos tienen veneno
Larisa Stefan, Aida Gimeno, Evgeniya Khomutova
José Miguel Román, piano
José Melchor Gomis (1791-1836)
Un navío, dos navíos
Max Hochmuth
Si la mar fuera de tinta
Larisa Stefan
Tendrás muchos amigos
Oleh Lebedyev, Omar Lara
El curro marinero
Evgeniya Khomutova
El ayre dañino
Aida Gimeno
Carlos Sanchis, piano
Gioachino Rossini
Marche et réminiscences
pour mon dernier voyage
de Péchés de vieillesse
José Miguel Román, piano
Canzonetta spagnuola
Oleh Lebedyev
Les amants de Séville
de Péchés de vieillesse
Evgeniya Khomutova, Joel Williams
A Grenade
Evgeniya Khomutova
La danza
de Les soirées musicales
Larisa Stefan
José Miguel Román, piano
The next sessions of ‘Matins a Les Arts’ will take place on April 5th and May 24th.
Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía.
Fundació de la Comunitat Valenciana
Av. del Professor López Piñero (Historiador de la Medicina), 1
46013 València

Tel. (+34) 96 197 58 00
Fax (+34) 96 197 59 01
(+34) 96 197 59 00
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