Popular Festivals

#Over the past weekend,  the 8th edition of ConFusión Festival was enjoyed by many. Fresh and revitalised after last year’s largely online display due to the pandemic, ConFusión 2021 was back in style, boasting an impressive range of events spread throughout the unique Valencian barrio of Benimaclet. This year, the organisers of the event created an app that provided times and locations for audiences, a decision that was more eco-friendly and also encouraged a younger, more digitally-aware audience to get involved.

The artistic events that took place throughout the neighborhood were split into 8 categories: music to urban art, audiovisuals, poetry, workshops, exhibitions, performing arts and urban installations. Some of the more grand and spectacular exhibitions (such as large-scale jazz performances, or acrobatic stunts including fire) took place in large plazas or parks, whereas the more intimate events (like film screenings or a virgin olive oil making class) were hosted inside small businesses or even peoples houses, demonstrating the inclusive and communal spirit of the festival.

Report and photos by Tom Bache

Article and photos copyright Tom Bache / 24/7 Valencia

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