Food 16th March 2022 A VALENCIAN ‘EARLY LUNCH’ IN FALLAS 2022!
By: 247valenciaThere were overflowing pans, pickles, toasts, brotherhood and sisterhood and a purely Valencian atmosphere this morning at lunchtime, with the taste of things well done. ‘L’Esmorzà’, the new event promoted by Amstel, the hotel and catering industry and the fallero world to enter the official calendar of festivities, is already being seen in the streets, […]
Food 14th March 2022 ‘L’Esmorzà’ To Take Place on March 16th In Valencia!
By: 247valenciaThere is hope that the Valencian early lunch will be included in the official calendar in 2023. The world of Falleros and Falleras and gastronomy and Amstel, one of the sponsors of Fallas, will collide together to bring the #ESMORZÀOFICIALJA to the streets of Valencia on March 16th. The event will also take place in […]