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Health 4th September 2017 ALTERNATIVE VALENCIA
By: 247valenciaSIRIO OF CENTRO URANIUM 1. Tell us something about your background and experiences. My name is Sirio. I was born in Valencia but I grew up on the Island of Ibiza. Since childhood I have been interested in increasing one’s own personal development, and to understand the complexities of people’s motives in life, both internal […]
11th July 2016 REIKI IN VALENCIA
By: 247valenciaREIKI IN VALENCIA Healing hands? Yes. Over the summer holidays, on a lazy afternoon with plenty of time to reflect and relax, a member of the 24/7 Valencia team partook in a ‘Reiki’ session at the Oblivium Centre in Valencia. At our session, with loose fitting clothes and chill out music playing gently in the […]