Art exhibition until December 3rd…”The Holy Grail, the untold story” (Valencia)

#On Monday 29th November the exhibition “The Holy Grail, the untold story” was inaugurated in the magnificent Casal Fallero in Pz. de la Merced in Ciutat Vella of Valencia. The Falla is 150 years old and is hosting this graphic exhibition in its casal.

Panels visually narrate the main contributions to the state of the question of the Holy Chalice based on the only doctorate that exists on the protohistory of this sacred relic. Dr. Ana Mafé García, the world’s leading expert on the history of the Holy Chalice, is president of the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail and president of the International Scientific Commission for the Study of the Holy Grail. Her doctorate is endorsed by the University of Valencia and she obtained the highest academic qualification Cum Laude with International Mention.

Mª José Sansegundo, Vice-secretary of Territory, Community and Culture of the PPCV, was present at the event, which took place in the morning, who highlighted the work of the Association in the dissemination of the history of the Holy Grail. She also emphasised the opportunity that the development of infrastructures (signposting of the route and construction of shelters) represents for the Valencian territory.

The Association recalls that during the month of September 2021 and due to the COVID19, Las Fallas were held in an extraordinary way. The most emblematic falla of the city showed the Holy Chalice to all those who visited it.

The Fallas of the Valencia City Council made a historical reference to the history of this sacred relic by presenting Mrs. Sabina Suey with the Holy Chalice in her hands to safeguard it from destruction and plundering.

The Fallas cultural industry is one of the most important economic engines of the whole province. So much so that, during the month of March, it takes up practically all the tourist services in the city of Valencia. Especially during Fallas week.

For this reason, it is vital to involve the Fallas community in the story and history of the development of the Way of the Holy Grail in our city.

“The Fallas cultural industry is one of the most important economic engines of the whole province”.

Through this exhibition, which takes place in the I JORNADAS CAMINO DEL SANTO GRIAL EN CIUTAT VELLA (1+1=5), is being made known during the Way of the Holy Grail, Route of Knowledge, Path of Peace and the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia thanks to the sponsorship of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Economic Innovation, Valencia Activa.

The history surrounding this sacred relic is really interesting. Not only because it shows that we are in front of a real Hebrew blessing cup from two thousand years ago, archaeologically catalogued as KOS KIDUSH ESTHER – 2018, VALENCIA, but also because to know its history is to know the most important city of the (western) Middle Ages in the 15th century, VALENCIA.

In the afternoon were present prominent members of the Pz. de la Merced as some of the presidents, the fallera mayor Doña Vanessa Gismero Ordoñez, the fallera mayor infantil Doña Elena Ortiz Mora and the fallero mayor infantil Don Carlos. They followed very attentively the explanations of Dr. Ana Mafé García about the sacred relic.

To unite the Fallas sentiment with the story of the most sought-after relic of the western Middle Ages is to put our beloved Valencia on the world map as a cultural and tourist destination of the first order. We must not forget that, thanks to the Holy Chalice, the city of Valencia is a Jubilee in perpetuity every five years.

Therefore, the sooner we all get to work to position this historical, cultural, legendary and, of course, Christian story, the sooner we will be able to benefit from the same benefits that the Way of St. James has been receiving for decades. For we also have a route to follow (which internationally reaches the two most important Jubilee cities in the world: Jerusalem and Rome), a sacred relic to show (the Holy Chalice, the Holy Grail) and a Jubilee city, Valencia, which is often the third most important, just behind Jerusalem and Rome, and the third most important in the world (the Holy Grail).

Report by ’24/7 Valencia’ team
Article copyright ’24/7 Valencia’

Casal Falla Plaza de la Merced
C/ Aluders Nº 6

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