
##24/7 Valencia: Tell us about your background, upbringing and education…

Liliana Castro:I started my studies at Candelaria Lempira in Honduras. Then I went to the capital, Tegucigalpa, to study music. After that, I studied a degree in audiovisual communication at the Central American Technological University (UNITEC). I came to Valencia to study Audiovisual Image and stage-lighting, which was all made possible thanks to a scholarship.

What got you interested in photography? Has the change to digital been a positive one?  Regarding photography, it is the magic that is in each shot and understanding the details which many do not necessarily notice. You are aware of each movement, looks and gestures and endless other things. You appreciate nature, the path of light, and those gradients when the sun goes down and you value those colours. It is wonderful and you can imagine the picture and you take it and you want it be as your eyes see it.

Now, about your question if digital has been positive. In my opinion, it has come to hinder the art of photography, now that the vast majority of people believe they are somehow photographers. Look, I had the opportunity to develop photos in colour and I also remember when developing in black & white too. It was exciting, to be in a cubicle with only the red light, being careful with the photographic paper in the developing trays and counting the seconds, to try not to pass or fall short time-wise… so that the photo did not end up being  overexposed or underexposed!! And then that emotional feeling when a small silhouette starts to appear. That was wonderful. NICE MEMORIES…

Explain to us something about your current projects  At the moment, I am working with #59Segundos, which is exclusive to photographically cover any event, night or day, concerts, private dinners, birthdays and more. We also work with different restaurants, covering dinners and product reports. By the way, this September 21st #59Segundos will celebrate their third anniversary and it will be held in in the renowned Sala Salomé in Valencia. Within this brand, there is a new line of photography called # BambúHnFotografia that is focused on fashion reports. We will also promote Honduras here in Spain via photographic exhibitions, so I will be travelling to my beloved Honduras soon to complete the project.

Do you have any plans for the future? In my mind,  there are only plans and dreams. Little by little, I am carrying them out. Now a great change is coming with my brand, we are going to merge it, we want to grow, create something big and I know that I will achieve it or we will achieve it. I have to start talking in the plural because our human team is growing but I will not talk too much about it, everything will come when the time is right. I like to give a few clues until the precise moment arrives and then shout: THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!

Look,  one of the most important projects for me is actually the one that I mentioned before, that of making Honduras known here in Spain and the whole world. It is a large and ambitious project. (Laughs!)  I want to be a Honduran ambassador to Spain (photographically speaking) and little by little to cross more borders and for people to know how beautiful my country is.

How does living in Spain compare to Honduras? It is a totally different life; it has nothing to do with life in my country. (Laughs!) What I love about it here is that tranquility and that security of going out, here and there, with my camera & without worrying. I love the life I have here, I feel very free. And i love doing what I like best: PHOTOGRAPHY. But not everything is beautiful here. I lack that special warmth… that love of my immediate family; I believe that we never surpass that bond. The warmth of my people, that incomparable & unconditional love. I miss so many things, the food (Pupusas, baleadas — que rico !!!) the mountains, the beautiful and most unique beaches on the planet. (Laughs!) I even miss even the chaos of the city! I miss everything, but I know that for now my life is here in Valencia and I love being here.

Any final thoughts? I would like to thank ‘24/7 Valencia’ for the interview. I give thanks & praises to God and my family and my mother who has always been there for me, just like my father. I give thanks to my beloved Valencia and to all those local Valencians and adopted Valencians who have made my dreams possible in any way.

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/Bamb%C3%BAhn-Fotograf%C3%ADa-398515440973950/  https://www.facebook.com/59segundosintantphoto


Interview by Will McCarthy

copyright 24/7 Valencia

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