
#Valencia is a city brimming with opportunity, creativity and rich culture. With this in mind, it should come as no surprise to hear that the city has just been crowned as the European Capital of Smart Tourism by the European Commission. This is an initiative that rewards cities within Europe for tourism practices that are significantly innovative or sustainable. 30 cities in total applied to be awarded this position, and only Valencia and Bordeaux were selected.

There are four criteria in which a city is judged by, the categories being:
• Sustainability – This refers to managing a city’s natural resources, and acting responsibly towards their effect on the environment
• Accessibility – For example, ensuring services are available to all visiting the city, irrespective of their age, cultural background or physicality
• Digitalisation – This includes using new digital technologies to enhance aspects of a tourists experience
• Cultural heritage and creativity – This means to protect and promote localised traditions, and capitalise on what makes a city unique

From reading the above list, it is abundantly clear that Valencia adheres to all these requirements, and is deserving of its place as the European Capital of Smart Tourism. Emiliano Garcia, the city’s councillor for tourism, stated that “Valencia is positioning itself as a cosmopolitan, intelligent and sustainable tourist destination”, and he’s absolutely correct. Whether it’s because of the exceptionally unique architecture littered throughout the streets, the bustling and distinctive culture waiting to be discovered around every culture, or the ease in which the city can be traversed with a seemingly endless amount of accessible methods of transport, Valencia has undoubtedly earned the top spot as the perfect city for tourism.

Article and photo by Tom Bache
Article / Photo copyright Tom Bache / 24/7 Valencia

European Capital of Smart Tourism

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