
With first place for Crédito y Caución, second place for Carrefour and Capgemini, which also came third on the podium, the main objective of the IV Inter-company Regatta has been achieved as the entire fleet has launched a common message from the sea, supporting equal opportunities for men and women and also raising €3,500 for projects in the area of women at risk of exclusion of the Red Cross.

The only regatta in Spain with Corporate Social Responsibility content, in which the participants have no previous experience as sailors and which promotes equality, being mixed teams, has been full of enthusiasm on the America’s Cup race course. The regatta consists of an educational sailing competition in which, in addition to the first three classified, the companies Valencia Premium, Biohub, Kimia Group, Universidad Camilo José Cela and the Chamber of Commerce with Invest Valencia participated and in whose boat sailors from Deutsche Telekom (T-Systems), urb-it, Akkodis, Deimos Group, Taligent, CDTM Munich, Principal33 participated in their boat.  In total, 350 people particpated including sailors, press, staff and supporters.

The regatta begins with a preparatory master class and then, once on the open sea, an outdoor training through different nautical tests in which team strategy and adaptation to change are practised. At the end, there were debriefings to analyse and grow in strategy and teamwork.

The trophy presentation was exciting and it was clear that all participants have followed the Team Coaching training methodology of Corporate YACHTING & Partners, organisers of the regatta and whose CEO, José Alfredo López, before setting sail, offered a master class on “VUCA Environments (volatile, uncertain and ambiguous environments) and High Performance Teams” which has worked so well in the winning teams.

“The training methodology combines various tools and techniques such as Role Play and Experiential Learning, all in a new setting such as the race course, created to take the participant out of their comfort zone and induce personal and team development in the so-called learning and non-experiential zones” explains José Alfredo López, who has one of the longest track records in this country in team development.

By focusing on leadership, communication, change management in environments of volatility and uncertainty, the ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity of conditions and situations, this regatta, in addition to being a challenging sporting practice, has become, for all sailors, a unique experience that could also help them to promote greater participation of women in management positions.

The school-ship Cervantes Saavedra has supported the event by being the monitoring ship of the fleet, from where more than 30 human resources and media managers have coincided and have been able to certify together that for all participants it was necessary to want to learn quickly and effectively with the resources they had at that time… and that this interest has led them all to reach the goal.

As Jose Alfredo López explained: “For us, a boat is a development centre, there are no Ronaldos or Messis, there is a unitary entity called a team“. López also wanted to highlight the collaboration of the Marina de Valencia, through Evarist Caselles, deputy general manager, as well as the manager of Veles e Vents, Javier de Andrés, both strategic partners for the promotion of sailing in Valencia.

For Juan José Collado, provincial president of the Red Cross in Valencia: “For the Red Cross, this initiative allows us to promote women’s projects. Our intervention is oriented towards the empowerment and specialised accompaniment of women, and the dynamisation of social co-responsibility in the community environment, in favour of gender equality and the fight against different forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls”.

This initiative is valid within the Equality Plan for companies and for inclusion in company training projects, therefore, all registered companies will receive a certificate of participation issued by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and will become part of the Diversity Charter.


Corporate YACHTING & Partners is the reference company in Spain specialised in Nautical Programmes where training and development of teams and leaders are combined from a professional and non-leisure perspective. It has carried out more than 450 organisational interventions through its work with more than 1250 teams from different sectors and hierarchical levels, with more than 10,000 participants in its “logbook”. Its programmes can be carried out in Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Balearic Islands and Lisbon.

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Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’

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