
##Known as flapjacks in the UK and granola, cereal or muesli bars in other countries, whatever you call them they are impossible to resist. “The flap is back” is the cry of glee by those working at ‘La Ola Fresca’ when flapjacks appear and, strangely, they seem to disappear as fast as they are made…

Flapjacks are often viewed as a healthy snack but actually, when you add up the calories of a pack of butter and a handful of sugar, a nutritionist might possibly disagree! However, they do contain oats for slow energy release throughout the day. They are a good source of fibre, plus the added benefits of seeds and nuts to your liking. You can also replace the butter with sunflower oil, but that’s not quite so fun. As golden syrup is not so available in Spain, here it is replaced with honey but, for a lower glycemic index and if your purse strings will allow, you could use agave syrup.

• 1 K porridge oat flakes (copos de avena)
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon (canela)
• 2 teaspoons ginger
• 8 oz / 250 gm butter
• Pinch of salt
• Squeeze of lemon
• 1 cup dried fruits (add a little of what you like; dates, sultanas)
• 1/2 cup sesame seeds
• 3/4 cup honey or other syrup (golden, agave, maple)
• 2 oz / 60 gm brown sugar

• Baking tray 295 cm x 26 cm


Heat the oven to 180.

Mix all the dry ingredients, except the brown sugar, in a big bowl. Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan. Add the honey or syrup and brown sugar. Stir gently being careful not to let the mixture boil. Add the salt and squeeze of lemon. Put greaseproof paper in the baking tray. Mix all the ingredients well and place in the baking tray. Using a spatula or cake slice, flatten the mixture down well into the tin, beating it as flat as possible. This is to ensure that your flapjack does not break up when lifted from the tin.

Bake near the top of the oven and check after 5-10 minutes to see whether it needs moving down to avoid burning. The flapjacks should be ready after approximately 20 minutes of cooking, when they are golden brown on top. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes before cutting. Then leave in the tin to cool completely.

They will keep for at least a week in a sealed tin. Ready-to-eat energy aids to keep you going through the day. That’s if someone hasn’t gotten there before you!

C/ Mùsico Magenti, 11
Tel: 610 026 305
(For reservations)
Zona Benimaclet

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