
quiropractico valencia

##Dear Friend:

You’ve tried everything. You sleep with pillows under your legs…tried punishing therapy…you are half-conscious from taking pain pills all day…you’ve even tried painful injections that gave you only temporary relief at best…and maybe your doctors are now even telling you that you may need surgery because nothing else has worked.

Back pain can turn your life upside down…quickly. If you’re suffering with this miserable condition, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

And, if you’re like most back pain sufferers, your worst fear is that the pain will continue to get worse, leaving you unable to work at your job during these difficult economic times…or, even just being able to get through the day taking care of your family… or simple things like being able to be self-sufficient and take care of your own needs.


1. Are you stiff as a board when you wake up in the morning?
2. Is it a challenge just to bend over and put your shoes on?
3. Have you lost nights of sleep because of your pain?
4. Has your back pain kept you from doing your normal everyday activities?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, back pain has a grip on your life…and, is most likely stealing precious moments…moments you can never get back.

There’s Good News Though

You DON’T have to live with back pain. You CAN be pain-free. You CAN stop running from doctor to doctor…trying medication after medication…and, doing exercise after exercise without finding relief. You CAN finally feel “human” again and take control of your life back.

Here’s how…

Chiropractic actually works by releiving nervous system pressure and muscle tension through gentle adjustments to the spine…fixing structural and mechanical problems that are often causing your pain. As a result, Chiropractic actually “triggers” your body’s own miraculous healing system… naturally…and, without having to rely on potentially dangerous treatment options.

Here’s the best part…

Chiropractic works fast…and it works for most cases of back pain. That means that in just a short period time (often in a few weeks) you could be back to doing the things that you enjoy most in life…pain free and feeling great again.

And, if you’re wondering just who else relies on Chiropractic care, you’re in good company with people like olympic and professional athletes…famous movie stars…top political personalities…and, most likely, many of your neighbors, relatives and friends.

Even The Government And Top Medical Researchers Support Chiropractic. Here’s What They Have To Say…

 It works fast and is extremely effective. Often, more effective than tradition medical approaches. The prestigious MANGA Report (Ontario Ministry of Health) determined that… “Chiropractic care was the most cost effective and clinically effective care for painful conditions like low back pain.”
 According to this top research journal…(J Manipulative Physiol Ther) 2000 Jun; 23(5): 307-11. “Patients who received treatment of mechanical neck pain or low back pain had statistically significant reductions in their pain-related disability after treatment”.

And these are just two large studies. The list is exhaustive and hard to ignore if you have neck pain or back pain.

Now, I want you to imagine for a minute riding your bike again…being able to exercise…enjoying long walks…spending quality time with your family on a weekend…being able to be productive again at work…simply being able to be self-sufficient again…feeling “human” again…and most important…enjoying your life again on your own terms, and without the back pain that was controlling your life.

Most people who try Chiropractic are actually amazed to discover that correcting their problems and getting out of pain is often NOT so complex as they might think. In fact, they are astonished when they get results after only the first few treatments, even when they’ve tried every other medical option available without results.

After only a few adjustments (sometimes after only one adjustment), you may feel immediate relief of pain and the “vice grip” pressure in your back and joints…feel the intense tension melting away in your muscles as tight spasms release…see and feel your ability to bend and move return…and feel your strength and stability finally start to return again.

In fact, I’m confident that this may actually change your entire life if you’ve been suffering with pain and haven’t been able to find real relief…no matter what you try.

Just Listen To What Some Chiropractic Patients Have To Say…

“Since i’ve started my care, i have seen huge changes in my body. I can move better and feel pain free. I was about to get neck surgery because of a herniated disc, and now I don’t need too anymore!”
-Antonio B.Moncada

“My changes have been unbelievable. I was suffering atrocious migraine headaches and a lot of dizziness. After the first month of adjustments I have much more energy, I feel much happier and my pains have reduced drastically. It is a new hope for me because I thought I would need to spend my life with tablets, and now I am not using any. I AM SO HAPPY.”

-Mari Carmen M. Betera

“I have noted changes since the first day. I’m sleeping better. I wake up with much more energy and i can feel my body coming back to normal!”
-Maria José V. Valencia

If you want to know more on how chiropractic can help YOU, at the Chiropractic Centre of Lliria and Rocafort we offer free spinal exams to know if we can help!

96 279 24 49 (VALENCIA) or
96 131 05 22 (ROCAFORT)

P.S. It’s time to finally get back your life and start enjoying all the important moments of your life again. I’m excited to help you get there.

Plaza Mayor 8 Bajo
46111 Rocafort

Carrer Antiga Senda
d’en Senent3, pta 1
46023 Valencia



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