
In Valencia on 23 May 2024  at 11:30 am, the Centro Municipal de Actividades para Mayores (CMAMP) of Campanar was the venue for an outstanding conference entitled “The Holy Grail and its path – European Cultural Itinerary”. The lecture was given by Dr. Ana Mafé García, a renowned expert on the subject, and attracted a large group of people interested in the history and journey of the Holy Grail through Europe.

The event was opened by José Vicente Gosálbez Payá, Councillor Delegate for the Elderly of Valencia City Council, who openly expressed his support for this cultural initiative. “We are committed to the promotion of our historical and cultural heritage. Events like this are fundamental to enrich the cultural life of our elderly and the community in general,” said Gosálbez Payá.

Francisco Valle, responsible for culture at CMAMP CAMPANAR, took the floor to introduce Dr. Mafé. Valle highlighted the lecturer’s vast academic career, although he chose to summarise it briefly so as “not to take up all the time of the conference”, a comment that was received with smiles and applause from the audience.

Among the attendees was Jesús Gimeno, secretary of the European Cultural Route, who underlined the relevance of the conference for the recognition and promotion of the European Cultural Route of the Way of the Holy Grail.

Dr. Mafé gave a dynamic and rigorous presentation on the fascinating history of the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia and its journey through Europe, capturing the attention and interest of all those present. During the conference, the advantages that Valencia and the whole Valencian Community will have when it is formally recognised as the destination of the European Cultural Itinerary “The Way of the Holy Grail, Route of Knowledge, Road to Peace” were highlighted.

Among the advantages mentioned, the following are included:

Increased cultural tourism: The inclusion of Valencia in the itinerary will attract tourists from all over the world interested in the history of the Holy Grail, which will generate a positive economic impact on the region.

Promotion of historical heritage: This recognition will help to highlight and preserve the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Valencian Community at European level.

Promotion of knowledge and research: The project will boost academic research and the dissemination of knowledge about the Holy Grail and its historical importance.

Development of infrastructures and services: It is expected that local infrastructures and services will be improved to welcome visitors, benefiting the community as a whole and creating new jobs.

Reinforcement of cultural identity: The route will contribute to strengthening the cultural identity of Valencia and the Valencian Community, promoting values of peace and knowledge.

At the end of the conference, the attendees participated in a question and answer session, which allowed for an enriching exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Dr. Ana Mafé García’s conference has been a significant event for the dissemination of the European Cultural Route and has left a deep impression on all those present, reaffirming Valencia’s commitment to the promotion and preservation of its cultural heritage.

 Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’


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