
José Hierro was a poet of the first post-war generation who belonged to the so-called “uprooted poetry” and was the protagonist of the first session of the Poetry Club of the Casino de Agricultura. The aim of the club, which was born with a vocation of permanence, is to ensure that its members enjoy a space for creativity without pressure; to express feelings, reflections and emotions through rhythm, musicality, colour and light, or images, rhetorical figures or any other construction that is made with words, thanks to a genre that enriches language and makes it, inevitably, more cultured.

Each month, there is a poet to analyse, get to know and explore in depth. Also, a member of the club to share their poetry or thoughts, because the club will share both knowledge and feelings, as poetry encourages the expression of emotions, as well as artistic language through musicality and rhythm, as well as helping the memory.  Throughout the months, students will also learn about the different types of poetry: ancient, medieval, contemporary, lyric, epic, dramatic, choral and bucolic.

The Royal Valencian Society of Agriculture and Sports was founded in 1859 and was joined by the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country, as well as representatives of the university world for the “advancement” of Agriculture, Industry and the Arts. It continues today to carry out numerous cultural activities as well as having social correspondence with 60 clubs in Spain and 40 abroad. It has private members and companies that find a meeting point in its headquarters in Comedias Street, as well as meeting rooms, conferences and different services.


Report by ‘24/7 Valencia’ team

Article copyright ‘24/7 Valencia’


Casino de Agricultura

Carrer de les Comèdies, 12

46003 València

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