

– The festival of medium-length films celebrates its opening on November 10 at the Teatre Talia.

– The director from La Mancha has been awarded the Clar de Llums Prize by the Vice-Rector of Culture and Sport of the University of Valencia.

– The artisan ceramist Eugenia Boscá has designed the trophy of this new edition, inspired by the medium film of Antonio Mercero that gives its name to the festival.

Yesterday, a press conference was held to present the 13th edition of La Cabina – Festival Internacional de Mediometrajes de València (to be held from 10 to 20 November) in the Aula Magna of the Centre Cultural La Nau with the presence of Antonio Ariño, Vice-Rector for Culture and Sport at the University of Valencia; Carmen Amoraga, General Director of Culture and Heritage; Maite Ibáñez, Councillor for Cultural Action of the City Council of Valencia; Sara Mansanet, Director of the festival; and Eugenia Boscá, ceramic craftswoman who created the trophy of this edition.

In the official presentation to the media, La Cabina has announced all the news it has prepared for this new edition as the change of venue for its opening, which will be at the ‘Teatre Talia’ on November 10 at 20h. In addition, it was announced that the opening film will be the medium-length film “The Human Voice”, the new film by Pedro Almodovar starring Tilda Swinton. The director has also been awarded the Premi Clar de Llums from the Vice-rector at de Cultura i Esport de la Universitat de València.

Antonio Ariño wanted to highlight the involvement of all the institutions, such as the Generalitat Valenciana or the Valencia City Council, which help the festival “to continue growing and achieving its international projection”. He also stressed that “despite the very delicate moment we are living, there are alternatives so that La Cabina can be carried out” and he assured that the thirteenth edition “will be carried out.”

Carmen Amoraga has highlighted the international impact of the Valencian festival and its joyful and “always positive” spirit”, which is so necessary at this time.

For its part, Maite Ibañez, whose council depends on La Mutant, which increases its programming in La Cabina with Carne Cruda on Tour, Fashion Films and Aula Cabina. has defined the medium-length film festival place for as “a meeting for professionals, a framework to enter not only the film but also in other disciplines such as music (with the Visuals section), radio (with Carne Cruda on Tour) and visual arts (with the trophy and posters), and a space that integrates different types of audiences.”

Mansanet has described this thirteenth edition as “a record with 15 national premieres(“An Arabian Night”, “My World in Yours”, “Destiniy Deluxe”, “One and Thousand Nights”, “Lychen 92”, “Masel Tov Cocktail”, “Rouler”, “Being Sascha”, “Tendre”, “Mords-les”, “Off Season”, “Back to 2069”, “Homeland Gone”, “Mes “record edition with four world premieres (“Domicílio Incerto”, “Revelaciones”, “Mords-Les” and “Wanderers”), three European premieres (“The Whitering”, “Hot Summer” and “48 Shaot Im Abba”) and national premieres inclusing “Voix” and “Reconstitution d’une scène de chasse”)”.

La Cabina will be inaugurated on November 10 with an event to be held at the Teatre Talia, which joins this year as a venue, led by Viviendo del Cuento, formed by the actors José Luis Herranz and Victor Aleixandre, who will again surprise the audience, as they did in past editions.

The recently released medium-length film by Pedro Almodóvar starring Tilda Swinton, “The Human Voice”, will be the opening film of the XIII edition of La Cabina – Festival Internacional de Mediometrajes de València, which will celebrate its new edition from 10 to 20 November. The vice-rectorate of Culture and Sport of the University of Valencia, co-organizer of the festival, will present the Clar de LLums Award, a sculptural work by Emilio Gallego, in tribute to his career.

That the award-winning director has made a medium-length film at this point in his long and acclaimed career (countless international awards including two Oscars, several European Film Awards, BAFTAs, etc.), shows that this format is not exclusive to new directors as a prelude to, what could be understood, more ambitious projects such as a feature film. The time that a film lasts is marked by the story of the film, as has always been claimed by the festival ‘La Cabina’, and in this case, the story starring the actress Tilda Swinton required 30 minutes. “The Human Voice”, produced by The Desire, with distribution by Wanda Visión and Avalon, is a moral lesson about desire, no matter that its protagonist is on the edge of the abyss. Risk is an essential part of the adventure of living and loving.

It is for all his career and his undeniable contribution to art and culture that the director from La Mancha will receive the Premi Clar de Llums from the Vice-rector at Cultura i Esport de la Universitat de València.

Another of this year’s new venues is the University of Valencia Botanical Gardens, which will host the closing gala on November 20 at 8 pm. In the event, not only will be read the awards and trophies, but will host one of the most popular sections of La Cabina: Visuals, in which music and visuals come together. The band Capricornio Uno, formed by Angela Pascual and Jordi Sapena, will close this edition with a combination of dreamy pop & electronica.

Barreira A+D and La Mutant renew their commitment with ‘La Cabina.’

On the one hand, a new day dedicated to Fashion Films, which have become essential audiovisual tools for fashion communication, is being offered to the public in collaboration with the Barreira A+D and La Mutant master’s degree in fashion communication.

In addition, together with the Centro Sperimentale i Cinematografia di Italia, and within the framework of its Escuela Superior de Cine en València, they are offering for the second year in a row the Barreira Award for best script in the Amalgama section of La Cabina, with a grant for the writing workshop that filmmaker Pablo Berger will give in Valencia.

‘La Mutant’ reinforces its support in this thirteenth edition by hosting not only the recording of the radio programme Carne Cruda, but will also host the conference of Fashion Films and Aula Cabina, the audiovisual didactic project through which La Cabina brings the medium-length films and the professions of cinema to schoolchildren.

The tradition of Valencian ceramics, new trophy of ‘La Cabina.’

The trophy that the ceramic craftswoman Eugenia Boscá has created for La Cabina has also been presented at a press conference. The best medium-length film in the Official Section and Amalgama will take a piece of Valencia in the form of a ceramic telephone with a wooden support. The artist Eugenia Boscá has won several awards such as the UNART PRIZE, awarded by the association of artisans of the Mostra d’artesania of Altea Alicante to the best artisan work in the mostra XX; Award of Vanguard Crafts of the Valencian Community 2016 with the piece “Porrón”; or Award of the public in decoration of the event AIRES CREATIVOS València. In addition, she has participated in several exhibitions and is the author of the interior decoration of the restaurant Nueva Taberna LOS MADRILES.

La Cabina – Festival Internacional de Mediometrajes de València, which celebrates its 13th edition from 10 to 20 November, is co-organized by the Aula de Cine de Cultura i Esport de la Universitat de València and the Institut Valencià de Cultura, with the collaboration of Conselleria de Cultura through the Direcció General de Cultura i Patrimoni, Regidoria d’Acció Cultural de l’Ajuntament de València and Diputació de València and with the official sponsorship of Caixa Popular and Cerveza Turia.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team


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