
##24/7 VALENCIA: Could you tell us more about the Holy Grail of Valencia International conference?

HOLY GRAIL OF VALENCIA ASSOCIATION: “From November 19th-20th of 2020, the municipality of Massamagrell(Valencia) hosted online and in person, respecting the measures Covid-19, the First International Congress of Dissemination and Journalism The Way of the Holy Grail. The data at the end of this guarantee the resounding success that has had and the great participation both in visualizations and at the face level in its various sessions.

The data reached that show the social networks reached half a million people throughout Latin America and in Spain have reached more than 21,000 people according to data from different online platforms.

The congress started on Thursday 19th in the morning with the welcome by Dr. Ana Mafé, president of the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial and of the International Scientific Commission of Studies of the Holy Grail, entities that organized the meeting. In her speech she mentioned the connections from more than 30 countries, among which Mexico, Argentina or Italy stand out, as well as the World Organization of Equestrian Tourism (OMTE) with headquarters in Spain.

After her words, the invited ecclesiastical authorities linked directly to the Holy Chalice of Valencia, the Reverend D. José Verdeguer, Canon Curator of the Artistic Heritage of the Cathedral of Valencia and Director of the Cathedral Museum of Valencia and the Reverend D. Alvaro Almenar Picallo, Canon Curator of the Cult of the Holy Chalice and Delegate of Protocol of the Cathedral of Valencia, thanked the diffusion work that from the civil society is given to the sacred relic of the Holy Chalice through the celebration of these events.
Francisco Gomez, mayor of Massamagrell, the scene of the congress, also offered some words of welcome to the guests and authorities present.

The event has been held with the strictest protocols Covid-19, is serving to demonstrate that, despite the current situation caused by the health crisis of coronavirus, it is possible to maintain proposals and cultural activities of the first order in a completely orderly.

During the inauguration, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of Mr. Enrique Senent Sales, president of the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial who died recently.
From the Generalitat Valenciana we highlight the words in the closing ceremony of the Illustrious Mr. D. Francisco Molina Agulló, Territorial Director Presidency who pledged to collaborate in the signaling of the route. As well as the interventions of Mr. Francesc Colomer Sánchez, Regional Secretary of Tourism, who applauded the initiative of Massamagrell to support and promote the Holy Grail Route through the union of synergies with civil society.

As for the international part, we highlight the magnificent intervention of Mr. Salvatore Forte, President Associazione Culturale IVI in the city of Naples (Italy). As well as the presentation of the writer Nathalie Khol.

The editor, journalist and soundtrack musician Will McCarthy of internationally renowned ‘24/7 Valencia’ magazine and website gave his team’s perspective on the Holy Grail and its special path (also crediting filmmaker & journalist Anna Hart & writers Jose Antonio Marin and David Rhead for their rigorous work for ’24/7 Valencia’ over the years).

Mr. Bartolomé Nofuentes, President of the European Affairs Commission of EUMAHS, presented the future of the Holy Grail in Europe.

The state of the art on the Holy Grail and its path was carried out by Dr. Ana Mafé García. In a very brief way she explained that her doctorate exposes more than twenty-five unpublished findings about the Holy Chalice in the Cathedral of Valencia and its proto-history. This, without a doubt, legitimizes her in front of the rest of researchers to be able to lead the International Scientific Commission of Studies of the Holy Grail as its president.

Francisco Contreras Gil journalist, documentary maker and writer spoke of the “Biography Antonio Beltrán, professor and official chronicler of Zaragoza” giving clear instructions that the future of the way: “The future of the Way of the Holy Grail must be marked immediately”.

Dr. Jorge Manuel Rodríguez, president of the Spanish Center of Sindonology, gave a talk on “How Valencia became a Jubilee City” and highlighted the role of Cardinal Don Carlos Osoro in 2014.

The third session put the accent on the disseminators. Fernando Mullor Grifol, Director of the El Candelabro Radio Program in Murcia, spoke about the importance of communicating with foundation and rigor. He spoke about his life experience and the importance of always working from knowledge.

Vicente Bellvis, Editor-in-Chief of Valencia News, spoke of all that the authorities must do for Valencia in order to make it the world capital of the Holy Grail and, to date, they have not done so.

Will McCarthy, English journalist with ‘24/7 Valencia’ Magazine spoke about the presence of the Holy Chalice in the English press.

Finally, Dr. María Gómez, Professor of the Department of History of Art at the University of Valencia and head of the Laboratory, based her presentation on the artistic account of the Holy Grail. She explained the new contributions that, from the plastic arts she is giving through her work to the knowledge of the Holy Chalice. He presented a pictorial series that left those of us who were lucky enough to be there breathless.

In the afternoon, the debate forum was led by the written and digital press as the epicenter of dissemination. With outstanding speakers such as Mr. Héctor González, President of the Professional Association of Valencian Journalists, Mr. Manuel Furió, President of the Association of Digital Media of the Valencian Community, Mr. Pere Valenciano, Director of the Group El Periódico de Aquí, Mr. Jose Cuñat, Director Valencia Noticias and Ms. Rebeca Ruiz, Director Jacetania Express. All of them expressed their interest in continuing to bet on the Valencian Community through the dissemination of the Holy Grail Way.

The fifth session dedicated to Germany and the Holy Grail ended the first day of the congress. Dr. Ana Mafé García presented the German documentary about the Holy Grail on TV ZDF. She also had a few words from Dr. Michael Hesmann, which will be published along with the rest of the presentations soon.

Dr. Gabriel Songel, Professor of Design at the Polytechnic University of Valencia explained his research work “Lápis Exilis”.

Juan Agustín Blasco Carbó, Licensed in Religious Sciences by the University of San Dámaso in Madrid delighted those present with a clear and emphatic explanation of the application of the scientific method in research (citing sources, differentiating between conjecture and demonstrated hypothesis, establishing a state of the question prior to the presentation of results, etc.) which produced great interest on the part of the attending public. His conclusions on the double interpretation of epigraphy and its link with the German “Parzifal” come to confirm definitively that the Holy Grail of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s novel is the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia.

On the second day there was again the international and national presence of different disseminators.

The sixth session was opened by Ms. Silvia Soria, journalist and director of the program EL FORCAT DE SILVIA. Then, Dr. Ana Mafé García, informed through the reading of a mail that the documentary recorded by the French TV in September of this year will be broadcasted soon.

Ms. Natalie Kohl writer, General Director Connection. Consulting and Communication gave a wonderful conference on “France and the Grail”.

The session ended with Mr. Sergio Solsona, writer, disseminator and researcher, as well as a representative of the Order of the Temple of London speaking about the historical characters of the Kingdom of Aragon that gave their name to the characters of the Round Table of the medieval novels.

In the seventh session one of the most expected points of the congress was reached. It was about talking about the Holy Grail in literature.

Chema Ferrer, a writer and popularizer from Valencia, made a brilliant exposition of the Greek myths that dealt with the concept of “initiatory journey” and “magic object”. Mrs. Alicia Palazón writer and Director of content of AULA GRIAL exposed with clarity the erroneous myths that have been fixed in the literature and that have crossed this means of fantasy so that they are created as certain. For example, the descent of the royal blood of Jesus in the Merovingian kings or the presence of the Templars the history of the Holy Grail.

The presentation of Mr. Javier Sierra, writer and journalist “Premio Planeta 2017” closed the session. In it, Javier Sierra explained, according to his own perception, what would be the objects “of the cortege of the Grail” and where the importance of placing them in the novel by Chrétien de Troyes would come from. A lance, a sword and a grail. Of all of them he pointed out a clear physical element (the spear of Longinus, the sword of Saint Galgano and the grail of Saint John of the Rock). His enthusiasm and his charisma infected the whole room when he proposed as the true Holy Grail of the medieval literature the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia.

In the eighth session dedicated to the television forum as a way of promoting informative productions, the media were again the protagonists.

The speakers on this occasion were Mr. Vicente Climent Head of News La 8 Mediterranean TV, Ms. Carmen Bort journalist and presenter Notícies Comarques À Punt and Mr. José González, Director of the program Vive las fiestas 7 Televalencia. D. Julio Tormo, although he could not attend, offered us some words recorded from La 8 Mediterráneo TV.
The speakers on this occasion were D. Vicente Climent Head of News La 8 Mediterranean TV, Ms. Carmen Bort journalist and presenter Notícies Comarques À Punt and D. José González, Director of the program Vive las fiestas 7 Televalencia. D. Julio Tormo, although he could not attend, offered us some words recorded from La 8 Mediterráneo Tv.

Already in the afternoon in the ninth and last session “Forum Radio and new technologies at the service of disclosure” was attended by D. José Luis Pichardo journalist RADIO INTERECONOMÍA VALENCIA, with D. Luis Agudo, Journalist CADENA COPE VALENCIA and through a written D. Santiago Camacho Hidalgo, journalist and writer who directs and presents Strange Days explained his vision of the Way of the Holy Grail.

The closing session was carried out by Mr. Francisco Gómez Laserna, Mayor – President of the Massamagrell Town Hall, by Mr. Jesús Gimeno, councillor and secretary of the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial, by Dr. Ana Mafé García and by Mr. Francisco Molina Agulló, Territorial Director of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana, who affirmed the importance of the path and announced a future union with the institutions.

Among the attendees were:

His Excellency Mr. D. Leopoldo López (Honorable Consul of Chile, Dean of the Consular Corps of Valencia), D. Antonio Rossi (President of the Brotherhood of the Holy Chalice of Valencia), His Excellency Mr. D. Juan Noguera y Merle (President of the Royal Brotherhood of the Holy Chalice of the Valencian Nobility), Ilma. Mrs. Patricia García Guasp and Mr. Jesús Salmerón Berga (Autonomous Deputies of the Valencian Parliament), Rev. Mr. Esteban Liu Fan, Xiuzhuo Zhan Bihua Lin, Xinzhao Chen, Rev. Antonio López (Parish Priest of Pobla de Farnals), Salvador García de la Mota and Eliseo Benavent (President and Vice President of the Artistic Movement of Mislata), Dr. Jean – Philippe Sendat (Representative of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, Ana Falero (Member of the Council of the Valencia Command of SMOTH MIT), Dª. Amparo Folgado Tonda, Dolores García Ruiz (recognized international writer) and Ruth Aguilar Fulgencio (President of the Unlimited Wheels Sport Club Adapted Cycling).

Conclusions of the event

Researchers, writers and journalists agreed on the need to highlight the Way of the Holy Grail through joint actions in which Valencia and Aragon must work hand in hand. At the same time they showed the need to make known a unique piece such as the Holy Chalice of Valencia.

Those present agreed on the need to promote various actions to ensure that the Holy Grail is no longer the great unknown to be consolidated as the backbone of the territory, jointly, in Aragon and Valencia.

For this reason, the Way of the Holy Grail, Route of Knowledge, Way of Peace must begin with the union of political, ecclesiastical and civil synergies. With a challenge that allows to vertebrate the territory through the most important relic of the Western Medieval, the Holy Chalice that is preserved in the Cathedral of Valencia. The Holy Grail as the backbone of the territory and generator of wealth.

The tourist, cultural, historical and patrimonial potential of the history surrounding the Holy Chalice, which was hidden during more than three centuries in San Juan de la Peña before arriving to Valencian lands, has to generate, in the opinion of the communication professionals, synergies between the two communities that lead to wealth for those towns that form The Way of the Holy Grail, Route of Knowledge, Way of Peace, which has been forged since 2002 and is experiencing a new impulse on the occasion of the Jubilee Year of the Holy Chalice in Valencia. A task in which the civil society has to take a step forward, and in which the support and responsibility of the media must necessarily be shared by the different administrations involved in the project.

The first day of the congress, which continues this Friday with the intervention of the writer and journalist Javier Sierra, Planet Award 2017, along with other researchers, writers and journalists, said goodbye with the presentations of the experts Gabriel Songel and Juan Agustín Blasco Carbó, who addressed the legend of Parzifal in his speech.

Without a doubt, the Holy Chalice is the most important relic that Christians keep. We are talking about the cup with which Jesus Christ celebrated his Last Supper and his long pilgrimage to its current location in Valencia’s Cathedral. Taking into account the great historical and cultural value of the Holy Grail, its current location in Valencia and that the pilgrimage that it followed in the Iberian Peninsula crossed the Communities of Aragon and Valencia, the Holy Grail should be valued, through a Way that will serve as an economic and social boost for the populations through which it passes.

The Way follows the itinerary that, according to tradition, the Holy Chalice followed since its arrival in the Iberian Peninsula, until its current location in the Valencia cathedral. A route of 550Km that runs between the Royal Monastery of San Juan de la Peña (Huesca) and the cathedral of Valencia, crossing more than 30 towns of the three Aragonese provinces and up to eleven towns of the Valencian Community.

The route runs through nature trails, livestock trails, royal roads, greenways, small routes (PR) and even coincides with the route of El Cid and San Vicente Martir, which makes the road passable for all types of pilgrims.

Our thanks to: Massamagrell City Council, Losan Optical Center, Cultural Association The Holy Grail Way, International Scientific Commission The Holy Grail Way, Kike Taberner (photographer), Guille Aguilar (Production Director), María Hernández, Massamagrell Musical Union, Massamagrell Civil Protection Group (especially Manuel, Andrea, Eugenio for their social work and cooperation).”

Article copright 24/7 Valencia

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