
## 24/7 Valencia reports on the presentation of the Cycling Pilgrimage (Holy Grail Valencia)

This week, at the Cultural Centre of Massamagrell (Valencia), the I Corona de Aragón Cycling Pilgrimage was presented… together with the official jersey that will be worn by the cyclists who perform this feat.

This pilgrimage will be held on Saturday, October 17, starting from Massamagrell (at 8 am) to Albentosa in the province of Teruel (Kingdom of Aragon) and arriving at the Cathedral of Valencia at about 17h.

The event began with a minute’s silence in memory of Don Enrique Senent Sales, president of the ‘Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial’, who died recently.

Don Jesús Gimeno, councilman of the Municipal Citizens Group and secretary of the Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial, gave the floor to Dr. Ana Mafé, acting president of the Association, who highlighted the inclusion in her doctoral thesis of the first cycling initiative in 2016, along with the same people who will make this pilgrimage possible.

In a very concise way, Dr. Mafé explained that the cerebration of the Holy Grail Way was conceived by the visionary Archbishop of Valencia Dr. D. Marcelino Olaechea in early 1958 between Aragon and Valencia. For the celebration of the XVII centenary of the stay of the sacred relic of the Holy Chalice in Hispanic lands.

Dr. Mafé commented on the need to unite synergies from civil society and promote this route which, for the Jubilee Year, coincides in some sections with one of the most important Palaeochristian pilgrimage routes in the world: the San Vicente Route, which has also been ignored for decades by the tourist boards.

Domingo Santos, organizer of this I Cyclist Pilgrimage Corona de Aragón, made mention of the names of the 21 participating cyclists and of the three women that will carry out fundamental functions of logistic support.

The presentation ended with Mr. Francisco Gómez Laserna, Mayor – President of the City Council of Massamagrell highlighting the importance of structuring the territory with the support of the Cultural Association ‘El Camino del Santo Grial’.

It should be noted that the poster of the presentation has been made by the award-winning Valencian designer Ximo Roca at the request of the Hon. City Council of Albentosa, at the express request of its Mayor, Ms. Yolanda Salvador. An initiative that positions the actions of the Association in the line of promoting design for Valencia, Design Capital of the World 2022.

The Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial, the City Council of Massamagrell, the Massamagrell Cycling Club, the City Council of Albentosa (Teruel) and in Valencia the Losan Optical Center, the only company in the Valencian Community that has supported all the activities of the Association for years to position Valencia as the only city in the world that can show the Holy Grail.

Among the attendees were representing the Hon. Massamagrell City Council Socialist Municipal Group, Popular Municipal Group, Municipal Group Compromís, Citizens Municipal Group and Vox Municipal Group. A union of synergies open and intelligent, worthy of imitation in all municipalities that make up the path.

The I Corona de Aragon Cycling Pilgrimage will pass through the following municipalities without stopping Puzol, Gilet, Estivella, Torres-Torres, Soneja, Segorbe, Altura, Navajas, Jérica and Venta del Aire (Teruel). In Albentosa (Teruel) the corresponding refreshment will be made for the runners. On the way back to the Cathedral of Valencia there will be a stop to immortalize the cyclists with the municipal teams, distribute T-shirts and celebrate their feat. Pilgrims are expected at the entrance of the Cathedral of Valencia with the Bugle and Drum Band Cadets of the Holy Grail Way, led by Jose Felix Moratal.

Indoors, Don Alvaro Almenar, Custodian of the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia, will address a few words to the pilgrims and companions in the Chapel of the Holy Chalice.
Due to the current health situation, the call has been restricted to only 21 participating cyclists. Their names are as follows: José Manuel Civera Bolea, José Eleuterio Orts Rodríguez, Francisco Parra Salvador (President Peña Ciclista Massamagrell), José Miguel Gimeno Gimeno, Domingo Santos López, Iván Vázquez López, Juan José Orenga López, Alberto Iborra Millet, Miguel Salvador Murgui Alcocer, Carlos Eres Ramos, Juan José Eres Ramos, Gaspar Civera Díez, Carles Ramón Castellblanch, Avelino Biosca Ángel, Manuel Pereira, José Alcoy Puchades, Ángel Muñoz Calzado, Antonio Lara Clemente, Emilio Margaix Subies, José Peñarrubia Hurtado and Miriam Muñoz González.

Those present were reminded that, during the journey, among the pilgrims of the Holy Grail Way, the Route of Knowledge, the way to Peace, they greet each other with “Peace and Love to you” and they answer: “Let there be Light on your path”.

The ‘Cultural Association El Camino del Santo Grial’ concluded with words of hope & encouragement: “We wish the best to these brave pilgrims on theses routes who, with their effort, help to promote sporting activities on a truly initiatory journey.”

Report by 24/7 Valencia team

photo by José Cuñat

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