
The musuem of the Holy Grail (AULA GRIAL) received the visit of Mr. Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo, Episcopal Delegate for Tourism and Leisure Pastoral of the Archbishopric of Valencia and parish priest in Paiporta.

The priest of the Archdiocese of Valencia, Don Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo, was appointed at the end of February this year as director of the Tourism Pastoral Department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE). On the occasion of his appointment from the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail, thanks to the initiative of the delegation of tourism of the City Council of Valencia, its president Dr. Ana Mafé García, summoned the head of tourism of the city to present this exhibition space together.

This morning Mr. Emiliano García, councillor for tourism of the Valencia City Council and president of Visit Valencia had a brief meeting in AULA GRIAL with Mr. Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo to present the different museum rooms that tell the story of the sacred relic. As well as to reinforce the bonds of unity that exist between civil society and the Valencian Administration around the enhancement of the Holy Chalice.

At this meeting, Dr. Mafé presented Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo with a copy of the book “The Holy Grail”. This work is published by the prestigious Valencian publishing house Sargantana and can be obtained in any bookshop or even on the Internet. This book is the result of her doctoral thesis and focuses on the study of the protohistory of the Holy Chalice of the Cathedral of Valencia. An essential work to know the sacred relic in depth.

During the visit, Alicia Palazón, content director of AULA GRIAL, explained the origins of this museum initiative. And how, thanks to the financial support of the Valencia City Council (who covers the costs of renting the building during the Jubilee Year of the Holy Chalice), the knowledge of the sacred relic is being promoted among young people and schoolchildren.

Don Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo reiterated that, by uniting synergies and wills, we can work on all the initiatives that lead to making the Holy Chalice and the Way of the Holy Grail known. “It would be wonderful to be able to make a call to all the dioceses of Spain” and to make the human history of the Holy Chalice known.

Dr. Mafé was very grateful for the visit of the director of the Pastoral Tourism Department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference to AULA GRIAL. Jesús Gimeno Peris, secretary of the association and councillor in the municipality of Massamagrell, commented: “We are going to work in collaboration with the Valencia City Council and with Don Gustavo Riveiro D’Angelo on everything that adds up and leads to creating a more friendly, more humane society through the Way of the Holy Grail, the Route of Knowledge, the Way of Peace”.

A meeting that will undoubtedly bring many good fruits for the future of the city of Valencia, the towns and dioceses along the Way of the Holy Grail.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team

Details for visiting Holy Grail ‘Aula Grial’ Museum in Valencia:

C/ Cabillers, 6 (off Plaza de la Reina)
(+34) 622 248 658
Email: reservasaulagrial@gmail.com
Hours: 10.00h to 14.00h (Monday to Friday)

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