
##24/7 VALENCIA: Could you tell us more information about this new product?

DONNAplus Silveractive® : “Recurrent vaginal infections affect the quality of life of 1 in 10 women.

– In recent years, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, some types of recurrent infections (candidal vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis) in women of childbearing age remain unresolved.

– DONNAplus Silveractive® is the new solution for women’s intimate well-being created from a unique and innovative formula combining silver microparticles (TIAB® complex), hyaluronic acid and aloe vera.

Good intimate health is related to the balance of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, our body’s natural barrier against external micro-organisms that can alter the balance of the intimate area. It is therefore very important to maintain the appropriate pH of the vaginal mucosa and to ensure the correct functioning of the reproductive system.

In recent years, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, an increase in recurrent vaginal and vulvar inflammatory conditions has been observed in women of childbearing age. In figures, 1 in 10 women experience more than three to four episodes per year, which is defined as “recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis”.

Recurrences or relapses can affect the quality of life of women, who often enter a vicious circle with frequent infectious episodes. One of the causes is the use of antibiotic treatments, which despite being effective against infection, can indirectly alter the vaginal microbiota, increasing susceptibility to a second infection, this time by fungi (candidiasis), as well as generating resistance to these drugs, rendering them ineffective.

On the other hand, clinical practice has shown that, although antifungal treatments are effective against fungal infections, they fail to prevent recurrences in half of the patients.To prevent the appearance of this type of infection, DONNAplus®, the Laboratorios Ordesa brand dedicated to women’s wellbeing and health, reminds us of the three main recommendations to follow to care for the intimate area and maintain its balance:
– Proper intimate hygiene, with products that respect the natural pH of the vaginal mucosa according to age and specific needs. It is also advisable to avoid habits such as wearing clothes that are too tight.

– Take care of your vaginal microbiota. The balance of the vaginal microbiota is very fragile, and it is easy for it to be altered. For example, due to antibiotic or steroid treatments, stress or hormonal imbalances resulting from menstruation, pregnancy or the menopause.

– Healthy lifestyle. Stress or an unhealthy lifestyle can be risk factors that predispose us to vaginal infections. It is therefore advisable to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, practice sport, rest and avoid bad habits such as smoking.

DONNAplus® Silveractive, innovation in women’s intimate wellbeing.

DONNAplus® presents DONNAplus Silveractive®, a unique and innovative formula ideal for restoring vaginal well-being, which combines silver microparticles (TIAB® complex), hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. It is a medical device for vaginal use for the adjuvant treatment of bacterial and candidiasis infections, herpes, genital warts and postpartum lesions. It prevents the recurrence of herpes simplex simplex 2 (HSV-2) and helps restore the balance of the vaginal microbiota and the physiological conditions of the vagina.

DONNAplus Silveractive® has a dual action: it isolates the area of application from external microbial aggressions and limits microbial colonisation in the area of application, creating optimal conditions for tissue regeneration.

Silver preparations have been pioneers in the field of antiseptics, not only because of their antibacterial properties, but also because of their effectiveness against many other microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, yeasts, microbes and others.

Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, thanks to its elastic and moisturising properties, forms a thin, long-lasting film and facilitates tissue repair processes in the female genital area. Finally, aloe vera extract has a soothing, moisturising and anti-inflammatory effect, improving tissue elasticity and tone, and promoting wound healing.

DONNAplus Silveractive® is presented in vaginal capsules of easy application and fast dispersion, which are recommended to be applied once a day at the first symptoms and for the following 7 days. An initial medical diagnosis of the vaginal infection is required to take it.”

About Laboratorios Ordesa

Laboratorios Ordesa has more than 75 years’ experience offering the best products in infant nutrition and leads the market with solutions for all stages and needs. More than two generations of Spanish babies have been fed with Blemil and Blevit infant milks and cereals, in addition to offering a wide range of food supplements covering the entire paediatric age range. Laboratorios Ordesa also has a family of products aimed at caring for adults and the elderly. It has a line dedicated to women’s care DONNAplus, the FontActiv range of nutritional supplements for adults and the natural collagen-based Colnatur products.

Interview by 24/7 Valencia team

For more information:
ATREVIA: 93 419 06 30

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