
##The Autonomous Secretary of Tourism of the Valencia Community, Frances Colomer, this Thursday 8th of April has visited ‘Aula Grail’ (Holy Grail of Valencia Museum). This meeting was also arranged to see the new room “The Holy Grail in the Civil War” and to give him a copy of the Integral Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail. Dr. Ana Mafé García, president of the Cultural Association The Way of the Holy Grail, accompanied by the secretary of the cultural association Mr. Jesús Gimeno Peris and the members of the association Mr. Jose Cuñat and Ms. Alicia Palazón, content director of Aula Grial, attended the presentation.

The presence of the plastic artist Dr. María Gómez, professor at the University of Valencia, who inaugurated last March 29th a magnificent exhibition in the Citadel of Jaca with the Holy Chalice and its path as the protagonist of her art exhibition, was also present. Dr. Gómez has explained first hand to Mr. Colomer the wonderful relations that exist between Turismo Aragón and the Association.

In fact, this same Integral Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail has already been distributed among mayors, deputies and high officials in Aragon. We are waiting to receive news from the Administration of Valencia to confirm the financing of this project via Madrid. Dr. Mafé, after making a brief presentation of the trajectory of the Association in the elaboration of plans (it is the third that is presented to the Administration of Mr. Colomer)… has focused on explaining in the maximum detail the Integral Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail.

This is the third development plan that the Cultural Association has presented to the Administration to help in the consolidation of the Holy Grail Way product, also called ‘The Grail Route’. It has been monitored since its inception by Mr. Bartolomé Nofuentes, the leading expert on European funding issues in the Valencian Community. Mr. Jesús Gimeno told Mr. Colomer that, after the visit to Massamagrell of the Government Delegate, Ms. Gloria Isabel Calero Albal, she also received the plan to take it to Madrid, as well as other representatives of the Administration, including Mr. José Vicente Andreu, President of the Mancomunitat de l’Horta Nord, the Councillor for Tourism of the Valencia City Council and resident of Visit Valencia, Mr. Emiliano García, and the Mayor of Massamagrell himself, Mr. Paco Gómez Laserna.

Dr. Mafé comments that “civil society must support administrative procedures with knowledge and work, in order to generate new opportunities for local development, not only for the economic sector more directly related to tourism, but also to be able to generate new job opportunities for the cultural sector.”

The Regional Secretary has been pleasantly convinced of the need to open up employment opportunities along the route of the Way of the Holy Grail and is going to arrange a meeting at the highest level to ensure that European funding is forthcoming. In this sense, Dr. Mafé has commented that, in her round of administrative offices, among the people most interested in carrying out this project forward is Mr. Francisco Molina, Territorial Director of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Vice President of the Generalitat Valenciana herself, Ms. Monica Oltra, who fully supports the initiative, as she knows first hand all the cultural potential that is developed in this Integral Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail.

On the part of the productive fabric related to tourism, we can say that the AA. MM. Valten Travel supports this plan from the business side, as well as Mr. Víctor Pérez, president of FOTUR. This plan has been delivered personally by Dr. Ana Mafé García to all the Valencian political forces that have shown interest throughout the year in the opening of ‘Aula Grial’ (The Holy Grail Museum of Valencia). It was also presented to the Cardinal Archbishop of Valencia, Dr. Antonio Cañizares. All of this with the aim of uniting synergies and working from Valencia “tots a una veu” on such an emblematic subject as the history and dissemination of the Way of the Holy Grail, the most sought-after relic of the Western Middle Ages.

Report by 24/7 Valencia team

Details for visiting Holy Grail ‘Aula Grial’ Museum in Valencia:

C/ Cabillers, 6 (off Plaza de la Reina)
(+34) 622 248 658
Email: reservasaulagrial@gmail.com
Hours: 10.00h to 14.00h (Monday to Friday)

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